

Well-known member
Good luck, hun! You can definitely do this! I can never make it to the gym, so I opt for the next best thing- fitness magazines! They always have great workouts that you can try, and if you stick to them, you'll notice after awhile that you're more toned! They also have great tips on how to eat healthy and they feature inspiring articles that, to me, make for good motivation. My favourite is Shape magazine. I also have a bunch of pull out exericises I got from Seventeen magazine and I lost 10 pounds by doing those and eating right


Well-known member
Oh! I have TONS of exercises from Seventeen...I keep them in a little folder and whenever I have the spare time and energy I pull some out and do them. Haha.

Anyways...yesterday was a good day for me.

I took my friend to a concert (B-Day gift from me to her) which totally rocked, but I needed a pair of jeans to wear and I didn't have "good" clean ones so I was kinda bummed. So last minute I pulled these jeans out of my closet that I bought a Wet Seal a couple months ago that used to be a little too small...AND THEY FIT!!! Woot woot! Also I went down a notch on my belt! Hellssssssssssssss yea!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't been completely on it with the exercises, sometimes I just too tired by the time my "free time" rolls around, but I've kept on it with the eating and when I eat out with my friends and family I eat better food and now I hardly ever finish my meal when I'm at McDonalds or somewhere....


Well-known member
Wow...I haven't updated this in awhile.

Anyways, I've gotten my eating back on track. I eat "good" meals and if I go out to eat, I get what I want but I mostly never finish it all.

Also I've stopped snacking at night and that has made a HUGE difference for me, and if I do snack, I just grab a handful of baby carrots or a piece of fruit. Something healthy.

Me and don't like each other. I try and do strength training three times a week (at minimum) but the only time I have the spare time is late at night, and sometimes I'm just too tired. Like last night, but the time I finished picking up after my brother and cleaning up after dinner I was burnt out and the idea of doing crunches didn't appeal to me. I'm going to try to be better.

Oh and....
5lbs down


Well-known member I didn't do ANY of my workouts this week....had my period, and c'mon...crunches just aren't appealing at this time.

But I kept my eating under control.

Yay me!

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