Boy BS (vent)


Well-known member
Arg sorry in advance.
So there has been this guy I've liked for the last 2years which at the end of last year I finally got over him. Over the holidays my feelings for him came back and I regret it so much. This guy has treated me like shit, broken my heart into a billion pieces and I feel too hurt to trust guys again.

Anyway back on track, I just finished my holidays and I'm back in Melbourne. All throughout the holidays he said he was going to visit me as soon as I got back and last week told me he was gunna come around on sunday. I stupidly got my hopes up and of course he didn't. He hasn't even spoken to me, yet hes happy to parade around how he went out sat night with some girl.

I feel so stupid and hurt. He's the only guy in the last 3 years that has ever made me feel noticed so I guess I like that feeling. I'm not gunna talk to him for awhile, I need to completely get over him and get him out of my system.

To be honest I really want to tell him to F off. I want him to realise how much he's hurt me and that I don't put up with being treated like that.

Thanks for listening lol

I just really needed to get that off my chest and I don't really have any friends to talk. All you girls are so nice and supportive so thats why I posted it here.

Thanks again =)


Well-known member
But, what kind of relationship do you have with him?

And I think that, like you said, you should'nt see him for a while, what about anymore

You don't deserve to be sad because of someone who does'nt care about you

Girl about town

Well-known member
In my opinion people like that like knowing they have hurt someone i guess it gives them an ego boost!!! i would move on with you life and don't give him a backwards glance , they say the best revenge is to live well!!!
I have been treated the same in the past and i didn't realise till i was with someone who truly cared for me that these people don't give a shit!!!!! xxx


Well-known member
He and I have been friends for AGES, we did take it a little further but I stopped that last year.
As soon as I'm over him, he won't hurt me. He was a great friend till I feel for him. I'm not going to defend him but I don't want to give up on our friendship.

Thanks both. I've grown heaps over summer and I know not to let somebody treat me like that. I just needed to vent, I'm really angry and it's to late at night to exercise lol.


Well-known member
if he was treating you like shit.. uh... what a shitty "friend"

if its one thing i've learned, no friends at all is better than a lousy one.

good luck dear,