Boyfriend/Husband Hates Collection


Well-known member
I was just reading another post and it made me think....are there ladies out there who's other half hate their collection or hate that they wear makeup? I once went out with someone who actually didn't like that I wore makeup. He would say, "I don't think you need it so I don't understand why you wear it. You're fine the way you are." It annoyed me so much! I love my makeup and wasn't willing to change that for him.


Well-known member
i think a lot of people who dont like makeup, dont understand why people wear it. the first misconception is that people wear that much to HIDE their flaws or to look PRETTIER. but really i know thats not why i wear it. i wear it because its FUN. its fun to try new looks and be creative with it. it does enhance your features and theres nothing wrong with it. its not a matter of NEEDING it its a matter of WANTING it


New member
my bf always tells me that he would rather me not wear makeup and that i look fine withouth it and that i dont need it... but he doesnt complain when i do wear it. he likes the way i look just rathers me be natural... but god help him if he TOLD me not to wear it...


Active member
With the guys I know, they pretty much said they don't care just as long as it's not "too obvious" or "too much." I'm talking pancake makeup. Ew.

I know someone who actually said something along the lines of, "I think girls who wear makeup are ugly." So, it's like, "Okay.. I'm ugly ^_^;;"


Well-known member
my bf likes when i wear makeup cause he feels i never really get "done up" for him. but he prefers the more "normal, subdued" tones, he thinks some of the mac colors are kinda "whoa" and "too out there". too bad buddy haha =) i like it and i'm putting it on for ME


Well-known member
My boyfriend doesn't love the fact that I spend all my money on makeup but he never complains when I wear it. He doesn't like lipstick though, which is fine because I don't either.


Well-known member
My fiance always tells me that he doesn't know why I wear make up if I look beautiful without it but he's never told me not to wear it. It actually makes me feel good when he tells me I don't need it cause it means he loves me just the way I am.


Well-known member
My husband really doesnt like how obsessed I am with makeup. He likes that I wear it and compliments it a lot but he's kind of "thrify" so he just hates the money issue.


Well-known member
My SO jokes about my ever-growing obsession -- thanks to MUA and now Specktra -- and he thinks I look pretty without any makeup. But he also likes it when I "get all dolled up" (because it's 1952 in his world).


Well-known member
My DH is very cool about it. He likes me with or without the makeup. Most of the time it is with. I very rarely go without it. He has made a few jokes about it, like putting my backup drawer on ebay, all in good fun. I don't think I could ever be with a man who didn't like to see women in makeup. I wouldn't be me.


My SO thinks I have WAAAAY too much makeup, and definitely prefers the natural look, but I do it for me, and he is happy with that.


Well-known member
I loooove makeup, and my fiance from the start knew it wasnt just a pastime or get pretty type a thing, it relaxes me and whenever i mdown i do my own or onew of my clients makeup and afterward i feel good. He is very accepting that iam a makeup artist and am willing to try "out there" colors like the ones mac is popular for. when i have my hair and full face on he calls it "dazzeled up"...yes he has a word for it! LOL


New member
My husband has never minded me having such a large collection. He thinks that it is cute when I sit and play with all the colors. His only request is that I wear good tasting lip products for smooching and that I don't wear dark colors on my lips. Just so the color will not get on him. He does like when I go more natural but he has also compliments me when I have on colors. I support him in his hobbies and he does the same for me.
The only one that complains is my son and that is because he is with me most of the time when I buy makeup. He is starting to test the colors on his hand and point out the ones he likes to me. Shows you how easy it is to become interested in makeup!


Well-known member
Mine tells me I don't need it to look nice, but knows it's a fun thing for me to wear. He's a visual artist so I can always rely upon him to give me good feedback about colour combinations. But he most certainly doesn't hate it, just accepts that liking it is another aspect of my personality, albeit not as serious as other things (such as music or literature).

He's pretty nice about it; the only reason he won't kiss my lips if I have nice lip stuff on is he's worried about spoiling the effort I've gone to.

He definitely thinks I have too much though! With which I agree.