Ugh, I hate to update so frequently, but someone from Facebook finally got a response from Lins e Silva. Here is his reasoning for not handing Sean over:
Portugese speaking girl from Facebook:
I sent the first email, he responded asking me to "identify myself better..." because he wanted to show me the "other side..." I responded to that... so he just replied!
"Na Convenção da Haia, todos que procuraram não encontraram os seus argumentos. Ao contrário ela é clara quando ocorre a fixação de domicílio por mais de 1 ano. E, 4,5 anos???
Me diga pois estou curioso em saber que lei é essa? A de Haia não é!
Pergunte ao seu amigo, quanto ele deu de suporte ao filho desde que ele nasceu até hoje?
Por que não visitou a criança durante 4,5 anos, tendo vindo aqui mais de 4 vezes. Nao venha com argumento que seguiu orientação de advogado, pois se este o mandasse pular pela janela ele o faria?"
Por que ele extorquiu dinheiro da família dela em 2007? E, não foi pouco!
Se paga algum valor pela metade da casa que ocupa que não lhe pertence?
Se trabalhava ou era a sua mulher que mantinha a casa?
Será que a Sra. Alessandra também sustenta marido e filhos?
Pai, não é quem gera, mas quem dá amor, procura, visita, cria, educa, dá afeto e EXEMPLOS.
Vc precisa conhecer melhor o seu amigo.
Me dá pena essa campanha sórdida onde se estoria inverdades.
Here is a very rough translation. Disclaimer: I speak no Portuguese whatsoever. Why did I attempt to translate it then? I speak Spanish fluently and even studied the history of the Spanish language and its closest neighbors on the Iberian peninsula (European Portuguese, Gallego, Asturian, Riojan, Andalucian, Catalan...). I was even at a point during my studies where I could understand most of the conversations that my Brazilian friend had with her family back home. At the same time, that is no replacement for a native speaker's translation. It says ROUGHLY (I mean very rough):
Anyone who looks in the Hauge Convention cannot find any of his arguments. To the contrary it is clear that residency can be established after more than one year. And 4, 5 years?
Tell me I am curious to know what is it you read? It's not Hague!
Ask your friend, how much he gave in child support to his son since he was born up to today?
Why didn't he visit his child during those 4,5 years, having come here more than 4 times. Don't come with the argument that he followed the advice of his lawers, well if they told him to jump out of a window would he do it?
Why did he extort money from her family in 2007? And it wasn't just a little!
Does he pay any money for even half of the house that he lives in that doesn't belong to him?
Did he work or was it his wife that maintained the house?
Could it be that Mrs. Alessandra also supported the husband and child?
Father, isn't the one who produces [the child], rather the one who gives love, looks for [the child], visits, cares, educates, gives affection and examples. You should get to know your friend better.
I pity this deaf campaign and its inaccurate stories.
I was wondering if a native Brazilian Portuguese speaker could translate this? Please?