Britney’s Visitation Suspended! She Can’t See Her Kids Anymore!!!!


Well-known member
Britney Spears has had visitation with her kids revoked today.
Because she is still not complying with the judge’s orders!
Apparently, seeing her kids isn’t enough incentive for Britney to obey the law.
Spears’ visitation rights have been suspended until she complies with all court orders.
This ruling happened after Kevin Federline’s lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, requested an emergency hearing with the court on Thursday.
The judge’s order reads, “Petitioner’s (Britney’s) visitation with the minor children is suspended pending Petitioner’s compliance with the court orders.”
Spears’ next opportunity to get visitation is October 26th, when both she and K-Fed are ordered back to court.



Well-known member
yeah, i read on yahoo that she MAY not be able to see them until she complies. its not for sure yet.


Well-known member
Supposedly the specific cause was Britney not providing the drug testing facility with her info so they could perform random drug tests. :roll:


Well-known member
Good. Can't even comply with a COURT ORDER? Especially with something as simple as giving them your damn information so she can perform the ordered random drug tests? She needs to get her shit together.

Just wait til the excuses roll in. Spin, spin.


Well-known member
she doesn't deserve those kids.

driving without a license, hit and runs, all the drinking and partying...if she wasn't a celebrity those kids would have been in the state's custody months ago because kevin isn't a whole hell of alot better.

the way she's behaving, and the way the court just keeps letting her get away with shit is disgusting to me.