Broken mangled heart....what should I do?


Well-known member
You should take care of yourself first before you can love someone else.


Well-known member
I am sorry that you are going through this. Regarding your ex, i think you should let it go. Take care of yourself first. In time you guys might end up being good friends but right now, i don't think the expression of the love you have for him will get a good reception.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Definitely take care of yourself first and talk this over with your psychiatrist.

You might feel better letting your ex know how you feel, you might not. Are you equipped to deal with horrible things your ex may say?

I say this from experience. My ex and I had an abrupt ending a while ago, and a bunch of our mutual friends, she, and I are going to meet up in the near future. Because I feel uneasy about it, since there are unresolved issues, I sent an email to her about it. She sent a very nasty and crazy one back, accusing me of being dramatic and making wild accusations left and right.

It hurts. It still hurts very badly. I don't know if I could've handled it if I were deeply depressed. I can look at it now and realize how wrong she is for me, because she was a big, self-righteous bitch in the whole thing (I'd still take her back, though, if she ever explained that email and the ending), but I'm in a lot better place than I was when I was depressed.

You can't control your ex's actions or predict them. I'd consider the possibilities before you do anything. Part of me wishes I would've not bothered trying now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
A part of me really wants to just send a letter, I just hate to see things end in a bad way without expressing my true feelings. I don't want to jump back into the relationship, or beg for them to come back to me. I need a few months maybe longer to deal with my own problems.
This is hard....thanks for your thoughts ladies and for your PM Bernadette.

I wrote a letter once... Because I really feel that I can articulate my feelings much better on paper, even if i'm crying while writing it, than I can in person. It really didn't change anything. He had already made his decision. He was really tender and nice about it (as nice as you can be when you breakup out of no where), but things didn't change.


Well-known member
write a letter-but don't send it. maybe it helps to just write it all out ,get over it and then never send it, because you can't manipulate people to come back. You want love, not pity!
I'm so sorry you are feeling this way & i wish you truly the best.i hope you can recover soon
You've got us!!!


Well-known member
Hi there,

I did the same thing with my 1st bf (he is the longest and most serious bf in my life so far), it's a long story but I ended up writing him a letter too. It was a very emotional tear stained letter. And much like you it wasn't a letter asking him to get back it was just a letter that contained a lot of stuff about our relationship and how I felt. Anyway, I don't regret sending my letter but he did not respond and it didn't change anything. If it will make you feel better to communicate to him then go ahead, just don't expect things to change and make sure you don't write anything that you feel like you may regret.

Btw, we talk occasionally now, and funny thing is years later he brought up the subject of my letter and he did explain to me why he did not respond...but by then it was WAY too late.

Brandi Girl

Well-known member
I agree. You have to come first. How can you love another with no conditions when you don't love yourself first. I'm sorry you are going through this but just know that you are special and you have many great things to offer.

Make sure that you are dealing with any problems you have as it will affect any relationship you are in.

You seem to be taking the right steps for yourself. As for your ex maybe write a letter, even if you don't send it at least you get it all down on paper.

Hope things work out for you.


Well-known member
i agree to take care of yourself first, but you can write a letter too. it might help just to get your feelings out, whether or not you sed it should be up to you. i think it would be theraputic to write all your feelings down. always remember-- there is a light at the end of the tunnel (hope this helps)


Well-known member
Thankyou girls I really appreciate everyones thoughts about this.
I am doing a little better.I did write a letter and I did deliver it.
Who knows what will happen down the road. I'm not sure right now.
I'm just going to keep working on myself and trying to enjoy life.
You guys are great.