Broken up or not?


Well-known member
Hi ladies. It's been a long couple of days. I've posted before about my b/f and how we seem to have had some issues lately. We've been together almost 1 1/2 years now. Long story short, he's had some major financial issues and has to move out of his house b/c the land his house and the house he lives in is owned by someone else and they have decided to develop the land so he has to move out. He's decided to move to NC where his parents are to get his finances back in order and also to be with them. He asked me to go as well and I had a lot of trouble deciding whether to go. We would be living with his parents (separate bedrooms) and I would have to leave my family, friends and the job I love to move. I have no assurances I would be able to pay my bills or find a good job and I've been afraid that b/c the economy is so bad right now that I might not be able to find a job. But, I decided to take the plunge and agreed to go. Off and on I kept thinking about how I didn't really want to move and he tried to find a job here but says he was unable to find one that would pay enough for him to get out of debt. His parents have looked at several houses and put in one or two offers but so far nothing has happened. They have not been able to find one and he will have to move soon. The last he told me was that they had put in an offer for one and it was turned down so I thought they were still looking.
Well, over the weekend I had lunch with my paternal grandmother who has only me and my cousins left out of her family. My father, grandfather, my only uncle and my great grandmother have all died in the past 10 years. Out of my 3 cousins, one is a drug addict, the other is a single mother of 22 trying to go to school and the other isn't even 18 yet. I try to get over and visit as much as I can but I've been so busy that I haven't been over as much as I should. My grandmother has severe arthritis and she's overweight so she doesn't get around well at all. Each time I see her it seems to be worse and worse. She is still holding a job to keep her busy and is still clear headed and feisty, but she told me that she was upset that I was moving and not b/c she doesn't have anyone else, but b/c she's worried I won't be happy. When I picked her up, it took her nearly 15 minutes to make it to the car b/c she had to keep stopping to rest. When she finally got in the car, her breathing was so bad I could hear her wheezing. I felt so terrible that her health has really gone down hill. I think it's only a matter of time before she has to have someone live with her for assistance and whatnot. My youngest cousin ate lunch with us as well and she got teary eyed and said she wished that we could get together more often b/c she's so lonely and misses everyone who has passed away. When I got home that night I TOSSED AND TURNED b/c I knew there was no way at this point I could move and leave her here, almost alone. What if something happened to her or she needed something?? I agonized over it all night and decided I just couldn't move. I love my b/f and I want to be with him, but I can't be happy knowing that my grandmother is getting weaker and in worse health everyday. So, I told him yesterday about our lunch and that I couldn't move. He naturallly didn't take it well and has pretty much made me feel like a sorry, selfish bitch. He told me that I had caused some issues and I just threw things in his face. He said that I've inconvenienced his parents and that he thought he could trust me and now he doesn't know what to think. I've cried and cried and apologized and said over and over again how crappy I know the timing is how horrible I feel and that I want to stay together and somehow work things out or come up with a solution but he keeps focusing on how hurt and upset he is and hasn't even acknowledged how hard this has been for me as well. I've told him that I know it's horrible of me and that I already feel bad enough and he told me to stop acting like he's making me feel bad and that his parents put in an offer on a 1.2 million dollar house and now he has to find a way to tell them I'm not coming!! I didn't even know they were financially capable of getting such an expensive house and that I had no idea they had even started to look for anything else!! He usually tells me when the find something so this house was news to me!! I told him over and over that I didn't want to end things and that I am so sorry about everything and I've asked him to tell me what he wants to do and if he wants to work on us, but he keeps avoiding the issue. I don't know what else to do or say. I know I can't take it back and I can't make it better. I've tried to explain myself over and over and I just don't know what else to do!!!! I can't stop crying and I can't stop thinking about it. The last email he sent me he told me that I needed to stop acting like a martyr and that he's made plenty of sacrifices and I had no reason to call him selfish but I don't remember calling him selfish!!! He also told me he was sorry his life was so hard to handle and such a burden (in a sarcastic way) and I never once said that at all!!! My stomach is in knots and I can't eat or sleep. I stand by my decision and now I feel like I am being made to feel like I'm just a horrible, horrible bitch!


Well-known member
Whoa.... ALl I can say is family, should always come first. I know youre torn and feel bad. But your grandmother really doesn't have anyone. She's your family, and when she's gone, she's gone. I don't mean to sound harsh...I would give my right arm to be with my grandmom, she's been gone about 10 years now,even though it still feels like yesterday. If your boyfriend can't get past your loyalty to your family, then he's the one with issues.. Your grandmother needs you.. HE has his family.. I bet he wouldn't leave his mom or grandmom if he was all they had... you know? I noticed you said he told you that "YOU" inconvenienced "HIS" parents.. well now, I'm sure that his parents would buy this house with or WITHOUT you in the picture. He's got alot of nerve.. You go take care of your grandma.. you'll be glad you did and him.. he needs to grow up..and get lost.


Well-known member
I have to agree sweetie ... His response was extremely selfish and unfair, you are doing the right thing to stay with your grandmother. You would only regret it forever if you weren't there for her. He sounds like he needs all his security blankets with him and that includes you. I only wish he hadn't made you feel so bad, I haven't read the other threads you've written but you didn't owe him any apology for this. Also, as Lauryn said, it is highly doubtful that you factored into the decision to buy the house. If they can afford such an expensive house then you not moving in will not phase them.

I can understand that you still feel bad though - I'm a bit like that too, it's not hard to make me feel guilty about something that is the other person's fault. I would let him know that you know you are making the right decision and when he calms down and realises this, that he is free to contact you to discuss options for your future. By email, if he won't talk to you. Don't defend your position to him, because any rational person would not need an explanation. But, yeah, he sounds too selfish for you to spend any more of your time stressing about.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms_bloom
I have to agree sweetie ... His response was extremely selfish and unfair, you are doing the right thing to stay with your grandmother. You would only regret it forever if you weren't there for her. He sounds like he needs all his security blankets with him and that includes you. I only wish he hadn't made you feel so bad, I haven't read the other threads you've written but you didn't owe him any apology for this. Also, as Lauryn said, it is highly doubtful that you factored into the decision to buy the house. If they can afford such an expensive house then you not moving in will not phase them.

I can understand that you still feel bad though - I'm a bit like that too, it's not hard to make me feel guilty about something that is the other person's fault. I would let him know that you know you are making the right decision and when he calms down and realises this, that he is free to contact you to discuss options for your future. By email, if he won't talk to you. Don't defend your position to him, because any rational person would not need an explanation. But, yeah, he sounds too selfish for you to spend any more of your time stressing about.

I completely agree with everything posted above - it´s not your fault & you do the right thing

Your BF is one that behaves selfish & immature & it´s kind of sad that he doesn´t see how caring & kind hearted you are.


Well-known member
My first response to your post was "Well F*** him!"

Not to make light of your situation, but if your guts are telling you stay, stay.

I have made sacrifices to take care of my grandmother for a large portion of her life, and wouldn't change anything about my decision. Family is family, boyfriends come and go, and if he cared anything at all for you, he would respect your decision instead of trying to lay this insane temper tantrum and guilt trip on you.

Things will work out for you, so don't worry about him.


Well-known member
I've been in your boyfriend's situation, where my bf was supposed to move out to my city and be with me and had to back out for some pretty good reasons. The thing is, if he really loved you he would be trying to see things from your perspective and he would support you in this choice. Sometimes our loved ones have to make tough calls and it's our job to support them and be understanding. Basically I'm saying that there is no excuse for his being an ass because I've been there and while it is extremely painful I still handled myself like an adult. Hugs!


Well-known member
Me again. I hope everyone's responses have reassured you that you are doing the right thing. As Meg said, doing the right thing can be hard but that's no excuse for not trying (as a certain favourite wizarding headmaster of mine once said, there's the easy way and then there's the right way).

I went back and read some of your earlier threads about your relationship and it seems like there has been a pattern of being selfish and demanding of you on his part. I could not believe he is 38, he really needs to man up. I can see that his life has been tough lately but sometimes when people get into these situations they actually stop trying (e.g., shooting down all your suggestions about the student loan, probably without due consideration).

I had originally been going to say, sometimes people need a little nudge to grow up and/or realise their mistakes and that they can and do come around. I'm not so sure now

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
If he really loved you then he would understand the position you're in with your grandmother and he would SUPPORT you in that decision. Family ALWAYS comes first, especially when they are in such great need. Your grandmother is sad and in deteriorating health and he's whining because you won't move away with him? Really hon? Ask yourself what kind if partner he REALLY is? You may not have called him selfish, but I sure as hell will. He's a selfish little cry baby.

I would do what's in your heart and stay where you're happy and be with your granny. If he's going to be that way, you're much better off without him!


Well-known member
Thank you all so much. You have really made me feel better. We still were talking up to today and I think we're finally kaput. I told him that I just wasn't going to change my mind and that he'd just better go ahead and move and get on with his life b/c he doesn't seem to want to try long distance and frankly I don't think things will ever be the same between us after this. I have cried and cried and agonized over this and felt so guilty b/c I hurt him, but at the same time I'm hurt that he hasn't understood why I can't go. He actually told me he didn't know why someone else couldn't step up and shoulder the responsibility and I had to remind he that there IS NO ONE ELSE but me!! I totally agree with you all and it kills me, but I am slowly starting to feel better and hopefully I can move on and so can he.
Thanks again for the support and hugs and well wishes!


Well-known member offense but what are you thinking even letting yourself feel guilty. I dont mean to sound rude its just that sometimes everyone needs a good shaking and I think that you need to realize that this guy is turning the whole situation around on you even though he is the selfish one, he's the one asking you to pick up and leave everything cuz he's the ass that got himself into debt. Im sure putting 1.2 million on a house has nothing to do with you either that is just the stupidest line I've ever heard, his parents arent putting in that bid because you are coming to stay there. Im telling you that if he can turn this around so quickly on you, he'll dump you in the middle of North Carolina too where you have nothing and noone. Stay where you are, and please really think about this relationship because it seems that your emotions are way too wrapped up in a guy that doesnt seem too interested in your best interest.


Well-known member
ehh i didnt see your next post, GOOD FOR YOU! seriously, because a lot of people are so blinded by love and at least you were able to break through that and decide what was best for yuo


Well-known member
I'm glad to hear your update, I think you need to do what is right for you and not what's right for him.


Well-known member
Thanks again, ladies. I feel much better today. I haven't heard back from him since yesterday morning so I'm going to assume that's the end of it. I don't plan on communicating again and I'm trying to go about my business. I have plans with friends for the next few weeks and my dad is even already joking about setting me up with someone at his office. Believe me, I am in NO hurry whatsoever to start anything up, but I know now that I made the right decision and it feels really great to know that. Thanks again!


Well-known member
Alright so here's the reality in the situation- if that's how he's going to handle a situation that has clearly gotten you so upset then that's not who you are meant to be with unless he grows up. What does he expect you to do? He's being really immature and selfish, I know you love him but if that's how he is going to treat you then fuck that.

oops, i just read the other posts! too late!