Brow/Tweezer Help!


Well-known member
Okay, y'all take a look at this picture:


My brow hairs are VERY fine and hate tweezers. I have yet to find a pair which will pluck those really short hairs and sometimes my tweezers just cut the longer ones instead of plucking them. I don't know what kind of tweezers I'm currently using, even. I've forgotten! LOL. (They look like this but mine don't have any print on them, and I'm pretty sure they're not Revlon.) They're the best ones I've found so far, but they still don't cut it. I've tried Revlon and E.L.F., and I believe these are Tweezerman, but I'm not positive.

I don't want to have to spend a bunch of $$$ trying 400 different kinds of tweezers, so I was hoping someone else with really fine hair could help me out here.




Well-known member
I always find it easier to use an angled tweezer, it pulls out the hair no matter how small they are.



Well-known member
This may be one of those things that only works for me, but I always do my pluckin' when I get out of the shower. I also have trouble getting my tweezers to grab my hairs, plus when they DO grab, the never want to come out. I guess when I get out of the warm shower more pores are open and the hair is a bit softer so it comes out easier. Hope that helps, it's pretty much the only thing that works for me.


Well-known member
I /hate/ it when I get those little hairs outside of where I want them to be. >:|

So...I swear by a pair I use that are very much like these:
Mark V Pro Splinter Tweezers

(even though they say they don't recommend them for brow work because they are so sharp/pointy...that sharp point can be dulled down a little with a rough emery board, and then you just have to be careful with them...but dang, they can /get/ to those little buggers...

Oooh, I /love/ my sharp pointy tweezers. I'd panic if I ever lost them. I've had this one, probably 11 or 12 years now!!

Girl about town

Well-known member
tweezerman slant tweezers are the best ever they get every little hair and are really precise, they are a bit more expensive but last you years and they sharpen them for free.


Well-known member
i get mine waxed and its so much easier and the lady who does mine always keeps them in a really nice shape. also when i want to pluck the little hairs sometimes, i use an angled tweezer and one of those magnifying mirrors.


Well-known member
Tweezerman tweezers are great, lifetime free sharpening. Get your tweezers sharpened every once in a while, once they dull down, they don't press together as well anymore.


Well-known member
A third vote for Tweezerman. I have the petite travel set that contains a standard slant pair of tweezers and a pair with very pointy tips. With this set, I can pluck eyebrow hairs barely detectable to the human eye. The pointy tweezers are used for the finest of hairs, I don't use them quite as often as the slants but when I need 'em, I really need 'em.


Well-known member
I love tweezerman tweezers. - they do such a great job!! And I don't know if this matters to you or not (it does to me!!), but they come in pretty colors!

Girl about town

Well-known member
ooooo i saw polka dot tweezermans the other day
i have hot pink ones with the large grip on them they will get the most barely visible hairs!!!