Brunette Blone Redhead


Well-known member
i only ended up getting blonde msf and that was cos i havent tried any msfs yet. i was going to get a lippy and some of the shadows but instead got petite indulgance creme team gloss, aquadisiac and electra e/s because i want to start buying more perm eyeshadows.

i was going to buy the 187 for the msf but saw GOSH's skunk brush for £11 and thought id try that cos its alot cheaper. and i have to say its an amazing brush!

just gotta wait 4 all my mac 2 come through now.

originally i wanted all the creme team glosses but im getting soooooooo PISSSSED off about how little product they put in the lipgloss tube now. even the regular /lg - my hot frost is under half full and iv only used it a few times...iv got more in my morning glory l/g that i bought years ago and used to always used to apply constantly. i think im going to stop buying mac l/g regardless because i feel a bit conned.