Bye ladies................


Well-known member
For a week or so anyway.

Just got confirmation that I am moving house on Friday. Fifth sale lucky

Sooooooo no internet until I get in and sorted, I am expecting it to take about a week.

So wish me look, and I will really miss viewing the posts. I love this forum so much, I never fail to be inspired by somebody.

Our new place has beautiful views so will hopefully be very relaxing. Heres a pic I have been looking at to make me get my fat ass in gear and packing

clickable thumbnail



Well-known member
wow, looks bloody stunning. hope your move goes stress free and smootly. rememeber to treat yourself at the end of it for all your hard work
lots of love. xxx


Well-known member
Congrats on your new home; that view is KILLER!! I'm sure it will be very relaxing! Enjoy and we'll see ya around soon!


Well-known member
Booooooo hoooooo.. im gonna miss u... lol for about a week.. hehe hope u have a smooth transition into the new house...


Well-known member
Good luck with everything!

Take it cool

I just moved in, and I know that its an adventure...


Well-known member
Congratulations on selling your house and moving into new digs...the view is amazing! Hurry back soon!