C Shock for Us....


Well-known member
Okay wow. The colors are AMAZING. Nothing ashy, chalky or dirty looking. They're SO bright, they stained my hands when I swatched them. This has quickly become my favorite collection, Almost every color suited me so I didn't feel like there were any "last resort" products. However, Going Bananas wasn't thrilling for me, it was a little too frosty white.

And you'll never get me to feel that blue lipstick...don't even try it.


Well-known member
Ahhh C-Shock...It is times like these that I am even more grateful for my dark skin
I LOVE colour and wearing bright, bold ones. I think I'm going to buy all of the shadows apart from the Yellow one since I'm not really a fan of the colour in general. I'll pass on all of the lippies too since I don't wear lipstick. Seriously, I've been waiting for some shockingly bright colours and this collection is just what I wanted.

Yay for C-Shock!!


Active member
I'm loving this collection as well. I didn't really like Going Bananas either...I expected it to be a much brighter yellow, but I loved the rest. I can't wait until I get paid on Friday!!! I finally made it to a Pro Store and fell in love with all of their pigments...Bright Fuschia is sooo pretty, along with several other bright colors.

Have any of you tried Fire Spot from the Moonbathe collection? How does that turn out on our skin (NW45 here)?

Yay for C-Shock!!!


Well-known member
Daaaang, I was hoping Going Bananas would work out well. I don't have any color similar to that (ahem, with my newbie collection).

This collection blew my mind away. I can not WAIT until I get some funds to afford to buy the majority of the e/s! Still workin' on Moonbathe.....and zdazzle, I think we need to set up a MAC day!!

LOL, what's wrong MacPixie.....you ain't down with the blue lipstick? I feel you on that, I'm bold but uhhh, that's a serious.....


Active member
No, Going Bananas looked sort of Ashy Yellow on my skin. However, MAC has Chrome Yellow, Canary Yellow, and Primary Yellow Pigment (which I love). I don't know about Canary Yellow, but the other two seem to have good color payoff.

Yes we need to set up a MAC day soon!!! I could spend forever in that store. It just sucks when you go there and don't have money (it's like a kid in a candy store with no money to buy). We also have to hit up the CCO at the Premium Outlet (I hear they have some discounted MAC there).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zdazzle
I'm loving this collection as well. I didn't really like Going Bananas either...I expected it to be a much brighter yellow, but I loved the rest. I can't wait until I get paid on Friday!!! I finally made it to a Pro Store and fell in love with all of their pigments...Bright Fuschia is sooo pretty, along with several other bright colors.

Have any of you tried Fire Spot from the Moonbathe collection? How does that turn out on our skin (NW45 here)?

Yay for C-Shock!!!

I have Firespot and I really like it. I have received complements on it everytime I wear it. I have worn it in the crease or all over. I am a NC42-NC43.


Well-known member
I'm a NW45 and love Going Bananas on me. The MA put Going Bananas on my lid and Big T on my crease and Texture, lightly as my highlight.

Here's another one:
Lid: Going Bananas
Crease: Wondergrass
Outer C: Big Blue
Highlight: Natural Color (Texture), thin and defined

I love Firespot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zdazzle
I'm loving this collection as well. I didn't really like Going Bananas either...I expected it to be a much brighter yellow, but I loved the rest. I can't wait until I get paid on Friday!!! I finally made it to a Pro Store and fell in love with all of their pigments...Bright Fuschia is sooo pretty, along with several other bright colors.

Have any of you tried Fire Spot from the Moonbathe collection? How does that turn out on our skin (NW45 here)?

Yay for C-Shock!!!

I love firespot, but I think the pro store was out of it, I didn't see it on the display yesterday, I would try the macys at the same mall for that color.

Hey I talked to Kevin at the pro-store and he confirmed that the new pro colors will be stocked at the store next week. It's a yellow in there called Bright Sunshine.

I loved Vivacious l/s and wondergrass e/s. Didn't like Big T, I'm not much of a teal person, I though it looked like that Teal from the intense pallete or waternymph.


Well-known member
Hey all!

My complexion is N9. I get a beautiful platinum yellow finish on my brow bone with Roseblanc (included in the Strange Hybrid Collection).


Well-known member
OK so I just bought Wondergrass and Big T but.... I am so afraid to wear colors so I need more suggestions like what to pair these with. Thanks Ms. Cupcakes for the tip. I am NC45 and these looked great on my hand but I was thinking how am I gonna wear on lid?


Well-known member
Pat Going Bananas lightly on your inner lid until you achieve/are comfortable with the color and then use Wondergrass or something a little darker for the outer v. HTH

Originally Posted by erica_1020
OK so I just bought Wondergrass and Big T but.... I am so afraid to wear colors so I need more suggestions like what to pair these with. Thanks Ms. Cupcakes for the tip. I am NC45 and these looked great on my hand but I was thinking how am I gonna wear on lid?


Well-known member
I'm NC50/N9 and I received through B2M (yay):

Fab and Flashy

I am on the fence about Bang on Blue. I prefer teals/turquoise like colours instead of straight on blues (unless they're dark). I probably won't get it. That and Eyepopping -- already have Overgrown. Definitely no Passionate, since I already have that. Going Bananas I am unsure about --- I already have enough frosty yellows (spring up, rose blanc, etc). And Big T was really dry and chalky -- not to mention similar to nightbird (?) in the Intense Eye palette from Holiday '06.

I also bought Mega and Lil' Sizzler lipgelees. I LOVE THEM but I am probably in the minority because lipgelees don't seem to be too popular but I don't care, I love 'em. Might go back and get the pink(ish) coloured one (is that she-boom?).

No lipsticks -- don't really wear lipsticks too often and I am content with the five or six I currently own now.


Well-known member
i was able to check out C-shock today and for the most part i was happy with it. i'm not a huge fan of mattes but i realize that being matte i could pack the color on more....i pretty much bought everything i was lemming.

E/S: Wondergrass, Romping, Bang on Blue, Big T, Eye-popping
L/S: Overrich and Blast o' Blue
Lipgelee: Lil' Sizzler

i wanted to like Going Bananas and Fab & Flashy but they were too sheer for me. i may take eye popping back b/c i also got Bitter today which i actually like better...but there's a little bit of gold in Eyepopping that makes it different so i may keep it. i also passed on on all the pink lippies b/c they either didn't fit me or i already had something similar. the rest of the lipgelees were also too sheer so i didn't get any of them. overall i think it's a great collection if you like color.


Well-known member
I tried C-Shock today and I have to admit that I really like it. Even the little Grinch in me enjoyed it. I ended up getting:
Big T
I have to say, I wasn't as impressed w/ Fab and Flashy as I thought I would be, but I am quite dissapointed in Going Banannas. I already have Passionate so that only left Bang on Blue, Wondergrass, and Romping. Those ones are nice colors, but... they're not quite me. I might end up going back to get Wondergrass but the other two are out of the question for now.
I think that Firespot is wonderful (I'm a NW 43 but I'm probably getting darker) and if I want it really ORANGE then I have to use a base (anything yellow, brass like, or... orange). But if I use it with a fairly neutral base then I get this wonderful glow so I works well either way.
It's a little too bad that it wasn't released w/ this collection!


Well-known member
has anyone with fairer skin tried the bang on blue yet? i ordered mine, but im hoping its not too overhwleming for my skin colour.

i just couldnt resist such a lovely blue!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsCuppyCakes
I'm a NW45 and love Going Bananas on me. The MA put Going Bananas on my lid and Big T on my crease and Texture, lightly as my highlight.

Here's another one:
Lid: Going Bananas
Crease: Wondergrass
Outer C: Big Blue
Highlight: Natural Color (Texture), thin and defined

I love Firespot.

Hmmm - I wonder if I should put texture on my wish list then...


Well-known member
I got all of the eye shadows, plus a back up of Wondergrass, Bang O' Blue l/s, Pomposity l/s, and Vivacious l/s, but I forgot to even look at the lip gelees, so maybe I will give those a glance when I go back in, if they are not sold out.


Well-known member
I love this collection!!! I bought 6 of the e/s & 3 of the lipgelees. I did n't even bother with the l/s because I have enough l/s that I don't wear.

Here's my haul from yesterday:

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