C-Shock in New Zealand


Well-known member
So today I went into Ballantynes Christchurch to check out the new colour story and, lo and behold, no Wondergrass! Is this just Christchurch? I talked to the MA at the counter, and she was actually really rude about it. I asked specifically if they had Wondergrass, and she looked at me like I was completely ignorant and said 'Well obviously, if it's not there, we don't have it'. I was all 'oh, alright' and she said 'That's the entire colour story.'

So. Hmph. What's the deal? Has anyone else in NZ had trouble getting their hands on Wondergrass? It's a pity she was so rude, it put me off buying anything at all from her. There's one nice girl there, a little English chick, and she's lovely, but the rest seem like they have a major superiority complex.


Well-known member
umm, well I ordered my stuff at the adelaide store 10am Monday (the day it was released), 5 eyeshadows were already sold out... apparantly they only got like 2, yes 2!!! of each shade... could be the same thing...
Originally Posted by bAbY_cHiCkEn01
umm, well I ordered my stuff at the adelaide store 10am Monday (the day it was released), 5 eyeshadows were already sold out... apparantly they only got like 2, yes 2!!! of each shade... could be the same thing...

happened in perth too.

i was there at 10.15am and all wondergrass were gone - the MA told me they only got three!

went back today for fab&flashy and bang on blue and there was only about one of each left..

seems like all of asia/pacific got screwed over.
and yet - it's still available on the US website!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Le-Saboteur
Oooh, not cool.

This means I pretty much have to get a debit card and buy online. Curses.

You cant buy from the US site if you dont live in the US, you might have better luck with the AU site - C Shock is up there now and everything seems to be in stock online still

Kiwi Girlie

Well-known member
Im from Wellington, And they get VERY limited stock of each item in LE collections up here too, so you basically have to ring and get them to hold things before they are released or get in there the minute they open.

I buy all my MAC online now though as the prices here are an absolute rip-off. It works out alot cheaper buying MAC from the USA AND getting it shipped here, then buying it from my counter - Which I personally think is insane.

I will check this week and see if theres any Wondergrass left at my counter though, very much doubt it. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Le-Saboteur
It's a pity she was so rude, it put me off buying anything at all from her. There's one nice girl there, a little English chick, and she's lovely, but the rest seem like they have a major superiority complex.

I know this is an old thread, but what did she look like? The cute English one is on maternity leave, unfortunately! Most of them are nice, but there are a couple of part timers who think they're hot sh*t and don't have to be nice to anyone


Well-known member
She was quite a short lady, maybe early twenties to thirty, reddish hair parted at the side. That's the only time I've seen her...

The woman who served me during the Ballantynes Christmas event thing (December 5) was really nice. Yeah, I don't go in there much, it's sort of 50/50 if I get someone who even greets me despite it often being dead quiet with 3 people on. Still, they're better in general than the Bobbi Brown people... And they're wonderful compared to most of the Napoleon Perdis ma's I've had the dubious pleasure of talking to.


Well-known member
Hmm.. she doesn't sound familiar. When I was a bit younger, the ma's were never that nice to me, but I have been going there for a while, so I guess once they know you're good for the cash, and their sales targets, then they warm to you. I don't understand why a lot of ma's have such snobby attitudes though.. When I finally become one I will be super nice to everyone!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tripwirechick
Hmm.. she doesn't sound familiar. When I was a bit younger, the ma's were never that nice to me, but I have been going there for a while, so I guess once they know you're good for the cash, and their sales targets, then they warm to you. I don't understand why a lot of ma's have such snobby attitudes though.. When I finally become one I will be super nice to everyone!

Eh, I guess some people feel like they're better because they're the ones behind the counter, not you. I'm in retail myself, and I wouldn't think of acting that way to a customer when they just walked in x.x Maybe if they'd been rude, but not otherwise.

Oooh, are you in training?


Well-known member
Not quite.. haha. I might to an intro course this year, but being trained isn't always a pre-requisite for a job there. I knew quite a few MAs at the Ballantynes counter who had no formal training beforehand. I'm handing in my CV to them and they know I'm dying to work there, but they just hired 2 girls a couple of months ago so I'm guessing nothing will open up for a while!


Well-known member
Aww, good luck! I'm sure if you're determined enough and your makeup/retail skills are rad, you'll get hired sometime soon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Le-Saboteur
Aww, good luck! I'm sure if you're determined enough and your makeup/retail skills are rad, you'll get hired sometime soon.

Thank you
I handed my CV into them today! Perhaps I could kill the only girl working there that I don't like, and come to think of it, she is probably the one that was rude to you because I saw her on Monday and she fit the description! Boy she thinks highly of herself. My father has also offered to give me funds to do the Minifies intro course, much to my excitement!


Well-known member
Yeah, probably, I'm usually in on a Monday as it's my day off, and she's there about half the time. I did go in on Friday to get a slightly heavier concealer (and bought an e/s as well, curses) and the girl who helped me out was really sweet! So it's probably just that one woman who's a bit rude.

You know what, I've been meaning to go into Minifies for so long but haven't actually done it yet. They have so much fun stuff on the website, but, I don't know, Victoria St is just so... posh. :p

It would be awesome to do the course! I'm doing Certificate of Makeup Artistry at the D&A this year, mainly because of all the prosthetics/sfx stuff. I wish I'd know about the Minifies intro course last July >.<