Originally Posted by Shimmer
Genius marketing campaigne.
Thats all it is. Dove doesn't really care about your selfesteem, they just want you to buy their product.
Yes I'm a cynical bitch lol. I like how the majority of advertising campaigns are being handled. I dont want to see my "normal" looking neighbor in an advertisement. I dont want to feel, "normal" when using a new product.
This is what the Dove commercials say to me: "Use dove, you'll be the same exact plain boring person you were before you bought our product!" Or in their advertising campaign a few years back in the magazines with the "normal" women, as in, the fat overweight "plus size models." All that says to me, "America, women, it's ok to be an overweight slob that isn't conscerned about your appearance, we support your addiction to high calorie oversized potions and lack of exercise, whatever it takes to sell our products!"
The shift in marketing campaigns just goes to show you how bad the obesity epidemic is in this country. As my best friend used to say, "When did having a beer gut (you know the girls who have their muffin tops hanging out) become acceptable? Apparently that's normal now. Actually your probably skinny these days if you just have a muffin top, most of the people in the malls have more than that.
I'll say it again... You shouldn't want to be average.
Could you imagine if Victora's Secret adopted this marketing campaign? I think i'd get sick.
Disclaimer: No I'm not a model. I'm an average looking girl with plenty of my own selfesteem issues regarding my appearance. That doesn't mean that I want to look at it on TV or in a Magazine though.