Can anybody recommend their favorite shadows?


Well-known member
I did a search, but nothing came up. :/

I was thinking about making a custom 9-color palette at Beauties Factory ( *** Welcome ***), since I know almost all of us have one of their 88/120/etc. palettes by now, and I think some of those colors are half-decent.
That's the problem, though: I only like about half of the colors on my 88-color palette, while the other half don't even show up or are way too chalky. Now, $20 isn't too much to spend for a 9-color custom palette, but it is if you're spending all of your money on grad school applications and you aren't sure it'll work for you, and I haven't found any critical reviews of the CUSTOM palettes. I've found one review of the custom palettes that seems almost too positive, and the rest of the reviews are pretty much all for the pre-made palettes. :/

I guess what I'm asking is, has anybody bought a CUSTOM palette from BF? If so, which colors really worked for you, and which ones didn't? (I'm especially interested in the bright mattes, like melon, wheatgrass, etc.)


Well-known member
I was wondering this too! anyone have any idea?? are they the same as costal scents hot pots????

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