Can anyone ID the name of this curling iron??


YouTube - How to Curl Hair

Id really would appreciate it


im pretty sure its not a chi.. she wrote that replying to someone who asked how to keep their hair curling, doesn't necessarily mean that thats the one shes using. i looked up chi irons and i couldnt find the same one.


Active member
If you want a curling iron that will give exactly the same curl as the one she is using in the video.Then just buy a 1 1/2 inch curling iron.The brand really doesn't make a difference.What does make a difference is if its ceramic or not.Make sure its ceramic or tourmaline.So you will have less damage to your hair.Read reviews look at photo reviews etc.But the brand in my opinion doesn't matter.

Heres a link to the Folica - The best selection of hair care, flat irons and hair styling products anywhere.Ive purchased from them many times and ive always had a good experience every time.Look for the 1 1/2 inch ceramic barrel curling iron.There are lots of reviews and photo reviews for the products.Good luck hope this helps
BTW they are also having a sale right now.


i bought a hot tools one and a half inch which didnt really do anything to my hair what so ever so i just dont wanna make the same mistake again :p

thank you for the reply. :)


Active member
Originally Posted by valiance
i bought a hot tools one and a half inch which didnt really do anything to my hair what so ever so i just dont wanna make the same mistake again :p

thank you for the reply. :)

Is that you in the photo? If so your hair looks alot shorter then the girls hair in the video.And if your using a 1 1/2 inch barrel it wont do anything for your hair.Perhaps try using a 1 inch barrel for that same loose curl effect on shorter hair.But if you mean hot tools didn't do anything for your hair because it wasn't a good curling iron.Maybe the iron doesn't get hot enough and wouldn't hold the curl? If that's the case and that's why your considering a CHI then the CHI does get hot enough.The curling iron in the video may be a limited edition color CHI or something like that.Have you tried asking the youtuber personally like sending a message?

If your looking for a really good curling iron my personal curling iron of choice is the T3 Pro Curling Iron which is available at Sephora.It gets really hot and it the best curling iron ive ever owned or used.A little expensive but worth the cost and its cheaper then a CHI and in my opinion a billion times better.

Here's a link if you want to check it out. Sephora: T3 PRO EverTwirl Curling Iron: Blow Dryers & Irons

Also make sure your using the correct styling products for your hair type so the curl holds.There is a book that just came out and i think its really amazing i think everybody should own it.And i think you would benefit from giving it a read.Its called "Good to Great Hair: Celebrity Hairstyling Techniques Made Simple".Here is a photo & a link to the book.
51iCf5mPl7L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg Good to Great Hair: Celebrity Hairstyling Techniques Made Simple (9781592333578): Robert Vetica, Debra Messing, Salma Hayek: Books

Also a little tip you may or may not know already but ill tell you just in case you don't.When curling your hair after you curl a section of hair while its still hot loosely roll the curl up and use a bobby pin to pin the curled section to your head.Then move on to the next section curl it,pin and keep going section by section.Do all your hair like that then at the end let them cool completely then take them out.This helps the curl hold because its still pinned into a curl while its cooling.Like normally you would curl your hair then release from the iron and move on to the next section of hair.But that section you just curled is still really hot but its now hanging and taking the weight of the length of your hair it ends up losing the curl.So maybe give that a try?

Hope i've helped some.I know ive wasted alot of money on bad curling irons and flatirons,blow dryers,curler sets you name it.So i completley understand.If there is one thing i would recommend above all else its this book.Its huge its not expensive and you will learn so much about how to work with your own personal hair type. Best of luck


thanks so much!
yes, thats me in the picture but my hair's slid behind my right shoulder so you cant really see the length and makes it look short but its actually almost of my elbows heh. ill definitely look into the book and the recomandations you made. thanks again for the reply.

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