can anyone relate?


New member
i just found this site, and i love it! ive been using MAC for years, and i finally have a place to chat with other fanatics!!

i just wanted to share with you guys something i read on the net. it totally brought me back to when i was a teenager and getting 'made up' for the 1st time. can anyone else relate?!

link out to article


Well-known member
cute article
i can relate


Well-known member
At first, I was very into rich metallic tones. I was all about some gold and amber and copper and bronze. After that, a poorly thought out and fleeting fascination with pinks and peaches. Next, purples and greens. Finally, and this probably should have come first, neutrals: khakis and olives abound. Soft browns and creams sit in wait like luscious beauty bon-bons that might kill me if ingested, and even then it’s tempting

I love this article, that is how my progression of buying colors went...veluxe pearls, to colors to neutrals.... LOL!! Thanks!


New member
I loved it!

I loved the site and the article was great!!!!! I really liked their poetry section too. I know we wanted to check out a specific title but I thought I'd mention that is a great site. !!