Can anyone tell me what Emo is?


Well-known member
Just FYI...I make fun of emo kids.

if that wasn't enough...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by theleopardcake

I see boiz in girls' jeans all the time, and every...single...time...I point, raise my eyebrow, and shake my head. *shakes head*


Well-known member

I'll tell you what Emo was when I was in High was all the little wanna be punk.mixed.with.goth kids who liked to cut their hair so it covered their faces, and wear tight jeans, and act like they're all hardcore, but are really more preppy than pretty much little soft kids trying to be hard!!! Always acting like they had soo many problems, and my school they got their little a**es beat down all the time for being stupid!!!!


Well-known member
This is great

My mother always ask me and my sister, what is ''emo''?
She never remember...

shimmer always have a good answer for us, thanks to you shimmer!


Well-known member
And I'll add...
It just annoys me to see the 'POETRY' these kids write.
Ok, poetry is about self expression.
I get it.
But how are all bazillionty emo kids feeling the same exact thing at the same time and all that jazz?? o.0


Well-known member
to each his own. I dont see the point of making fun of people. Don't think that people aren't making fun of you, they probably are. No one is perfect. I don't have that so called "emo" look I listen to the music. but I always have , before people started to label it "emo" I get shit for it constantly by my boyfriends "slayer" listening friends. I dont know what people consider emo anymore.. since Ive been out of out of high school for some time now. ..i dunno


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
to each his own. I dont see the point of making fun of people. Don't think that people aren't making fun of you, they probably are. No one is perfect. I don't have that so called "emo" look I listen to the music. but I always have , before people started to label it "emo" I get shit for it constantly by my boyfriends "slayer" listening friends. I dont know what people consider emo anymore.. since Ive been out of out of high school for some time now. ..i dunno

Never sought anyone out to intentionally hurt...however when I'm surrounded by whining 16 year olds who live in suburbia in a four bedroom house with a pool and have never known hardship in their life except what they've imagined in their own little minds as a result of listening to Dashboard Confessional....yeah. WIDE open.


Well-known member
Im not saying anyone was hurt. Im not an emo girl . I dunno it seems silly to make fun of people for what they do, or wear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Im not saying anyone was hurt. Im not an emo girl . I dunno it seems silly to make fun of people for what they do, or wear.

It can be.

But's it's just as silly to sit around whining about how horrible life is when one hasn't truly known how bad life can be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
to each his own. I dont see the point of making fun of people. Don't think that people aren't making fun of you, they probably are. No one is perfect. I don't have that so called "emo" look I listen to the music. but I always have , before people started to label it "emo" I get shit for it constantly by my boyfriends "slayer" listening friends. I dont know what people consider emo anymore.. since Ive been out of out of high school for some time now. ..i dunno

Since this was under my post I'm gonna assume this was directed at me, I may be wrong, but you misunderstood.
Not "making fun" of anyone, but I do enjoy digging back at those who point at nastily at others for being "sellouts" when they've bought into something too but can't see it...
Emos, goths, skaters, you name the "alt" group and they've been thoroughly studied and surripitously marketed to.
The Rebel Sell is an exceptional book - how corporations sell images by making people believe it's counterculture... say, by pasting an image of Che Guevara on it.


Well-known member
I don't care much for music that's labeled "emo," but I really hate the term.

"It reminds me of when I first heard the label 'emo,' which was the most ridiculous label ever. How can anything you put your heart and soul into not be emotional?" -Omar Rodriguez

Originally Posted by shimmer
It can be.

But's it's just as silly to sit around whining about how horrible life is when one hasn't truly known how bad life can be.

Just because someone grows up in suburbia, with a seemingly normal childhood doesn't mean they haven't faced serious hardships. Granted, there are some whiney kids out there, but some of them are legitimately unhappy.

Making fun of people for being trendy, sure...but don't assume they don't know how bad life can be.

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