Can I Back to MAC depotted shadows?


Well-known member
i've never had an issue sending in depots to mac. if you are worried you could always buy empty pans from ebay to stick in them.


Well-known member
I took my depots to MAC yesterday. The MUA who helped me did take them after scowling at me for a few minutes. She also would not let me pick new shadows from the MFC collection even though the ones I wanted are permanent at PRO.


Well-known member
I took 60 eyeshadow depots in a couple years back, and i got my 10 lipsticks no bother :)

Since then the only thing they won't take is depotted quads. No idea why, but they wouldn't take it.


Well-known member
One girl at my mac counter allows me to take them without the metal pan, the rest tell me I have to have the metal pan inside :\