Can I use UDPP as Lip Primer? I need something to keep lip color on my lips.


Well-known member
I have very full lips and I tend to think the size of my lips makes it harder for lip color to stay in the line. It's weird because one day I screamed really loud... so my mouth was wide open and I ended up getting lip color on my chin....
I have no clue how that happened, but my only explanation is because my lips are big.

The color mostly seems to feather out and end up outside my lip line... I've tried the lipliner to fill in the lips. I even heard a tip that tracing around the lip line with a translucent powder helps to keep color within the lips. Nothing works!

Since I know for a fact that UDPP keeps eye shadow in place despite my constant rubbing my eyes would a light layer of UDPP on my lips help keep the color in place? I know people use concealer on their lips, but maybe I need a thicker concealer b/c my M·A·C Select Moisturecover concealer does not seem like it will fit the bill.

I'm starting to LOVE playing with lip color since I bought 15 NYX Diamond Sparkle Lipglosses, so someone please help it stay on my lips! I do not expect any lipgloss or lipstick to be able to survive eating, drinking, kissing, etc. But at least let it last through talking.

So thanks for any Recs on primers... or any thoughts about using UDPP on lips.


Well-known member
I fill my entire lips with liner before applying lipstick. I only do this if I really want the lipstick to stay. It extends the wear a little bit but it still fades within an hour, two tops. I had a thread asking whether udpp will help and people told me yes it will help but it will dry out your lips. I have yet to find a miracle product that will keep lipsticks from coming off after a few hours. GL!


Well-known member
If lipliner isn't working try putting concealer on the skin around your lips, that can help keep your lipstick from feathering. I wouldn't recommend UDPP for lips, it can be drying and eyeshadow is very different from lipstick.


Well-known member
I use mac Lip prep & prime but it helps keep lipstick from bleeding/feathering....If you want lipstick that is not gonna budge you need to buy lippies like MAC prolong wear ...or some of the Revlon Colorstay type lippies, or similar....regular lipsticks are gonna go away after a few hours if you are eating or drinking. If I am not eating or drinking my lipsticks normally last...the Mattes, Satins, AC's and more pigmented type lippies anyway


Well-known member
I've tried UDPP, but I like to put concealer all over my lips and slightly over the edges before, fill my entire lips in with liner and then apply... translucent powder sets it pretty well too.


you have to use a lip pencil that grabs the lip gloss/lip color. i have a problem with my lip gloss bleeding, especially the middle of my bottom lip. the onle lip pencil i have found that makes my gloss stay put for hours is chanel's lip pencil. i swear that pencil is a God send, my lip gloss stays on all day, no retouching. i love it, i use the lip pencil in the Natural color and use it under everything. i have tried so many other lip pencils and they do not compare, oh yeah i fill in my entire lip with this pencil

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