Can sombeody borrow me $400?


Well-known member
because I want this kickass cellphone from



Well-known member
Those are cute boots! Who makes them? I can't afford them either, but it would be nice to know who makes them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
Sigh, if I had $400, I'd be getting these


ooo they are pretty!!! but I'm broke, sorry!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Marcy
looks like john fluevog made them. my brother works at the fluevog store in chicago.

Yup, they are Fluevogs. I am soooooo jealous that your brother works there. They are my favorite shoes/boots ever. Oh, and they are $279 Canadian.


I *love* NYC Peach's work. I've been saving up to have my ipod and cellphone done, but it's kind of hard when I can't stop buying MAC. ;p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lele
I *love* NYC Peach's work. I've been saving up to have my ipod and cellphone done, but it's kind of hard when I can't stop buying MAC. ;p

I know what you're talking about!

I bought thw #187 brush yesterday! That's almost 1/6 of a NYC Peach work!


Well-known member
400 hudred dollars?! are you kidding me? OK- go on ebay and buy a "gram" (144 pieces) of swarovski crystals (you can pretty much get any color) the normal size is about 9cc and they're called swarovski faltbacks...
it's like 5 bucks.
and then just glue them on with some craft cement glue. DON'T BUY THOSE. IT'S A FREAKING RIP OFF.


Well-known member
Hey Sanne!

My future cell phone will be a SonyEricsson Walkman phone too....


And it's "just" 300€ with no contract tied to it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iiifugaziii
400 hudred dollars?! are you kidding me? OK- go on ebay and buy a "gram" (144 pieces) of swarovski crystals (you can pretty much get any color) the normal size is about 9cc and they're called swarovski faltbacks...
it's like 5 bucks.
and then just glue them on with some craft cement glue. DON'T BUY THOSE. IT'S A FREAKING RIP OFF.

shhh, instead of informing them of this, start up your own side business, and make money off of others ignorance on how simple it is.


Well-known member
iiifugaziii said:
400 hudred dollars?! are you kidding me? OK- go on ebay and buy a "gram" (144 pieces) of swarovski crystals (you can pretty much get any color) the normal size is about 9cc and they're called swarovski faltbacks...
ahahah the way u said this made me laugh