can someone give me advice on how this would look on me?


New member
i want to know if this combination would look good together: mac viva glam iv lipstick, mac powersupply plushglass, & mac half-red lippencil. i'm considering buying them but i'm unsure if they would look good together. not only do i want to know if they'll look good together, i want to know if they'll work for me, lol. by the way, in case you want to give me advice on how it'd look on me, i have a tan/olive skintone, black hair, && green eyes. here's a picture if that helps:

in that picture i'm wearing whirl lippencil && full for you plushglass.

oh && don't be afraid to hurt my feelings or anything if you don't think the colors i'm asking about would suit me. i rather have someone be honest so i don't waste my money on something that won't look good, lol


Well-known member
I have Viva Glam IV, but I actually don't use it that much. Its's just a personal preferrence I guess, I'm not too crazy about MAC's frost finishes. I would suggest getting the Viva Glam VI SE if you can still get your hands on it, it's a really really pretty color and works so well on almost any skintone, especially your skintone. I'm an NC35ish for reference, I guess pretty close to yours from what I can see on your picture. For the gloss, I would suggest getting either Little vi lustreglass or star nova lustreglass, either one of those will go really well with VG VI SE. You prolly don't need to buy a new liner because I see that you already have whirl l/l.

That's just my opinion though, I guess it doesn't really help your dilemma though eh?

But if you're still gonna get VG IV, I think half-red will be just a bit too dark though. I don't own half-red but from the swatch online, I think it's a bit too dark because VG IV is kinda sheer.

Hope this helps in any way


New member
aaww thanks love! yeah i LOVE starnova, i already have it
one of my friends actually recommended viva glam vi already to me, but the reason i'm so stuck on iv is because the color is so stunning! <3

you're definitely right about half-red being too dark, though.. the colors are so different in the store than on the website. whirl pretty much works with everything