Can you see me now? Ughhh


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Well-known member
Ooooo how sweet Chancy is!! Do you keep your cat indoors due to being deaf, or how does that work? I have 2 cats myself...I love kitties they are so sweet & usually pretty low maintenance


Well-known member
Chancy is adorable!

What is the temperament like? I had a deaf cat and found that she was very inclined towards myself and no one else. I was living at my parents at the time, and she would have nothing to do with them. But aside from that she was the sweetest creature in the world.


Well-known member
The avatar is Sabu. He is my Tabby Persian.

Chancy was thrown out of an SUV in front of my car when he was a kitten. I noticed he didn't react to traffic. I jumped out in traffic and grabbed him. He didn't like to be picked up. I named him Chancy, because he has NO fear. He sleeps very soundly, because he is deaf. I call him by hand signals when he is awake. He will wake you up by screaming and pounding his paw by your head. He is very dog like. I don't know how else to describe it. He wants to be with my dogs. He is a serious lap cat. He will not move until you move him. He is like a heating pad. BTW - I have four cats and cats all my life. None of them are like Chancy. I keep in him inside 24/7 and he has a label on him that he is deaf.

Chancy is everyone and any animals friend. He adores everyone. He has no loyalty to just me. I have just now gotten him where he will let me pick him up for a few minutes. I think it has to with him being in control. I don't know.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
The avatar is Sabu. He is my Tabby Persian.

Chancy was thrown out of an SUV in front of my car when he was a kitten. I noticed he didn't react to traffic. I jumped out in traffic and grabbed him. He didn't like to be picked up. I named him Chancy, because he has NO fear. He sleeps very soundly, because he is deaf. I call him by hand signals when he is awake. He will wake you up by screaming and pounding his paw by your head. He is very dog like. I don't know how else to describe it. He wants to be with my dogs. He is a serious lap cat. He will not move until you move him. He is like a heating pad. BTW - I have four cats and cats all my life. None of them are like Chancy. I keep in him inside 24/7 and he has a label on him that he is deaf.

Chancy is everyone and any animals friend. He adores everyone. He has no loyalty to just me. I have just now gotten him where he will let me pick him up for a few minutes. I think it has to with him being in control. I don't know.

I am sooo a cat person myself! I grew up with persians. My two died in the past year and it's been very heartbreaking. I am adopting a cat for Christmas. I am so excited! Life without cats is hardly life at all


Well-known member
Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. It's so difficult losing a pet, let alone two within the same year.

All of mine are really different. There are like people. They have their own personality. I call them my fur baby angels.


Well-known member
I forgot to mention one thing. Chancy is sort of odd. Most deaf cats have blue eyes and totally white. Chancy has grass green eyes and he has tabby markings. He isn't totally white. When he is awake, he keeps his eyes really wide open. They look totally circular. People say he looks like a cartoon cat. I think he does that, so he doesn't miss anything. He doesn't. Even though he is totally deaf, he seems to know more about what's going on than the hearing cats. He has taught me a lot. He is a neat little fellow.


Well-known member
I have a Birman cat like that (the round eyes thing - she isnt deaf, just a complete dumbass) she looks like a cartoon mouse - the most bizzare yet normal looking cat ive ever seen.
I love Persians (I was admiring your avatar before!) - I used to breed them (now I breed Birman-Persian crosses and Birmans) but they differ in temp so much. We only have 2 full Persians at the mo - the oldest is very regal/snooty but her daughter acts like a little mutt dog. They're both wonderful though, just polar opposites!

Have you had any experience with Bengals? - Now those are fun!


Well-known member
No, I haven't had a bengal. Ever since I saw one, I want one. I heard you can walk them like a dog and they will jump in the shower with you. They sound fun.

Vexedpink, do you have a bengal? If so, can you share your experience about them or even a picture?


Well-known member
I used to breed them also - Bengal kittens are little monsters! So inquisitive and intelligent - probably my favourite breed of domestic cat, I miss having them around the house! Most Bengals adore water - we had to get weighted metal water bowls because they were constantly tipping the damn things over. Your shoulders and back tend to get ripped up as they love high places, and we had one that was obsessed with wool – all jumpers in her vicinity got mauled to bits. I love all breeds of cats, but you don’t really appreciate how different and wonderful the Bengal is until you have one with other breeds of cats around. Especially those closer to the Asian Leopard Cat (The Bengal breed is created by breeding the ALC with a domestic cat). We had a brother (Simba), sister (China) pair of F2’s – their grandmother was an ALC, and the difference in the appearance and behaviour is shocking. They used to defecate in their water bowls 90% of the time because that’s what ALC’s do in the wild to mask their scent.
I was very weary about playing with them, especially Simba as he was so strong and bulky – he would have had my thumb off in a heartbeat, though he was never aggressive. But Bengals that are sold as pets are so loving!
For some reason I can only see the first pic...I don't know why. Anyway thats just awful what happened to chancy!! But I'm glad he has such a good home now.

And since we're talking about bengals, my ex boyfriend/friend has one and he is a big baby, and soooo sweet, and an absoulutely breathtakingly beautiful cat. But when he was a kitten OMG he was freaking insane. Would run laps around the apartment, grab/chase/climb anything he could get his hands on, sharpen his claws on your leg, constantly try to climb up your body like a tree, jump on your face, lol he was a mess. But as soon as he grew up he turned into such a sweet kitty.