Can't change mood in Safari


Well-known member
First of all I just want to say, that it's nice that the site works so well in the Safari browser and on a MAC. It's definitely not all webpages that does that

But one thing I can't get to work. The "change mood" function. It looks like this when I click it.

I can change my mood in Firefox on my MAC but not i Safari.


Well-known member
Mine does the exact same thing on Safari. I've found a way around it though.. click on no mood & use your keyboard arrows to scroll through them all. It's a bit time consuming, but it does the trick!


Well-known member
Sorry guys, this is an older plugin without much support for the older version of forum software we are on. I know it's an inconvenience, but we will be upgrading the forum software in the first part of the new year. Upgrading the software and the plugin will most likely fix the issue with browser incompatibility.


Well-known member
Yeah it doesn't work in Chrome or Firefox for me. I just get an extension to display in IE from google chrome in order to use functions that seem to only work in IE.