Carbon, Passionate, and Pinkcraft FOTD...with Pinkcraft all in my lashes. Hahaha.


Well-known member

Yeah, so uh...I kinda got sick of this halfway through and decided that I didn't want to take my time anymore because liquidlast liner pisses me I got it all over my eyelashes, haha. Um...ignore that. I know it's hard, but try. Haha.



See? I told you so. That's what being kinda careless with those god damn liquidlast things will do to you.




Different lighting, ugly picture.


Bare Canvas paint
Crimsonaire s/s
Sharkskin s/s
Carbon e/s
Passionate e/s
Fuschia pigment
Sketch e/s
Pattern Pink e/s
Pink Opal pigment
Vellum e/s
Blacktrack f/l
Pinkcraft liquidlast liner
Fling brow pencil
Buttery/Blonde Taupe brow set
Fibre Rich mascara
#3 lashes...and these things are pretty much done, haha. I need to buy lashes...I don't have any right now, so these ones have been getting a lot of use, haha.

Prep+Prime skin
Studio Fix Fluid in NC15
Studio Fix in NW15
The wand concealer in NC20
Physician's Formula yellow concealer
Shooting Star MSF
Dollymix blush
Rose pigment
Pink Opal pigment

Spice l/l
Wild 'Bout You l/s
Pink Poodle l/g
Pink Opal pigment


Well-known member
Thank you!

But no it's not, lol. It's actually AWFUL right now. If you guys saw my skin without makeup (when it's bad)'d be stunned, lol. It's such a huge difference.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley_v85
Thank you!

But no it's not, lol. It's actually AWFUL right now. If you guys saw my skin without makeup (when it's bad)'d be stunned, lol. It's such a huge difference.

Well post a pic! lol j/k!


Well-known member
Nooooo way, haha. Not happening. I'd rather just keep this "perfect skin" illusion going...because that's just what it is. An illusion. Haha.

It's all makeup/the camera. I swear.


Well-known member
It does, with oil based makeup remover. But I didn't bother trying to take it off, lol. I was too lazy and didn't really care, since I'm not doing anything tonight anyway.


Well-known member
like always i LOVE YOUR POSTS girl!!! look fwd to seeing them everytime u post...GORGEOUS ur skin is so fresh...and zitless...lucky you...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by saniyairshad
like always i LOVE YOUR POSTS girl!!! look fwd to seeing them everytime u post...GORGEOUS ur skin is so fresh...and zitless...lucky you...

Zitless?!? Hahahahaha if only you knew. SOOOO far from the truth!!! But thank you.
It's all makeup. Haha.


Well-known member
hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot


Well-known member
Those colors work really nice for you. I wish I can pull of this look but it just wouldn't go with my complexion =\ Either way, you look fab as always!