career advice :)


Well-known member
hello i am seriously considering this since i am failing school so badly its my 2nd last year (nearly ended so last year really) and im doing so bad, i done an exam on my best topic in geography and got a E
so god knows how im going to do in the rest is it really advisable to drop out of school and get a shop as a sales advisor? can u even work your way up from that



Well-known member

You may not be doing so great now, but what about tutor programs, etc.? Talk to your parents about a tutor, and if they cannot get you one, talk to your guidance counselor. Many times they can get a top student to tutor you voluntarily. Nowadays, you can't do ANYTHING w/o a HS dipoma (not like the older days when you could get a decent job w/ a trade or just common sense!). If you need to really "buckle down" then DO IT!! If you have to study for three hours a night DO IT!! whatever it graduate...I'm NOT steering you wrong!!


I wouldnt drop out of school - know it can be a bit rubbish sometimes but you only have another year to go - that is just nothing in relation to the rest of your life. Just get though it as best you can, do as much work as possible and think about all the amazing things you can do once you have your qualifications and can get a better job than you would be able to get now!
However, if you really cannot stand it maybe think about going to college and doing a more voactional course? (im assuming your doing A levels at the moment, I noticed your UK) My brother hated school so much, he never did very well, he left last year and went to college and is doing a vocational course he really enjoys and is getting good marks.

So, I would talk to parents/teachers about how your feeling and see about getting tutoring and then see how you feel over the summer. Good luck with it though :)


Well-known member
thanks that made alot of sense

yep im doing a levels well AS now they suck.... big time
thing is i just dont have the 'drive' ive kinda lost it like i cant understand lots of stuff for example i got given an exam ques to do with the ideal exam answer so i basically re worded it in my own words and i got less than half
i asked what was wrong with it (she even put a note on the front sayin cudnt i mark it myself well since i copied it from the exam then i would of given me full or nearly full and whts the point in that??) and she said it was worded wrong and im like well so all the correct info is there, argh i just dont have the energy to do stuff like this lol


Well-known member
You will end up struggling a lot more if you don't finish... in my opinion. A lot of places won't hire someone who isn't at least 18... and at some point or another they will want to know you've graduated. I sort of considered it too because I was really depressed... if it's an outside problem that can be fixed in anyway possible... take it to your principal... they have the power to do anything at any time of the year as long as you meet all your area/state's requirements. I see your location is UK so it may be very different for you. I was a really big worrier in HS and had a hard time sleeping... I would sleep at 4-5 am and always always miss my first and second class... it was a pain in the ass to make up stuff and come up with a lot of excused absences... my principal later told me if I had come to her she would have just given me those two off and taken electives out of my senior year. If it's anything medical/psychological... deal with it because it will affect the rest of your life. Otherwise... life can get tough and in all aspects of life we are always learning something... getting past the boring BS will eventually get you to where you really want to be and teach you how to deal with life in the future =)

School is BS, boring, sometimes stressful/hard etc... but all of that is a part of life and running now may be an option but it may not always be one. The earlier you learn to deal the better it will be - I learned this the hard way...

Life is a struggle for survival first and happiness second in my opinion. I tell myself that whenever I'm fed up with work or something at school. I tell myself... "ok yeah I could just get a silly job now and pay the rent and have the rest of the day all to myself... or I can finish school and start out making a decent salary" for me the first part is happiness... the second part is survival. I need to maintain for myself and a future family possibly. Somedays I really don't want to go to work... but I know that it's part of survival for me to keep my job and get paid to pay for my life.....

I see your point about their pickiness with what seems meaningless... I would consider talking to them about what they expect out of tests/papers/homework etc. Tell them that you don't understand what they want and you would rather ask than guess wrong. You don't have to become a bookworm... but in my experience adults and "the man" appreciate honesty and try to work with you.

Don't stress too much... even if you do take a break or decide it isn't right for you it doesn't make anything impossible. You can still achieve your goals... you might just achieve later or have to work harder... Good luck with your decision and constant fight with the system...haha =)


Well-known member
First of all how old are you? If school is that bad, do what others have suggested and find yourself a tutor. If you really do want to drop out, at least have a steady job you know you won't be fired or whatever within a few months...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
hello i am seriously considering this since i am failing school so badly its my 2nd last year (nearly ended so last year really) and im doing so bad, i done an exam on my best topic in geography and got a E
so god knows how im going to do in the rest is it really advisable to drop out of school and get a shop as a sales advisor? can u even work your way up from that


dont drop out just work at it, last year when i did my AS's i got grades like e's and d's n c's. this year am predicted AADb and i got offers to do law. if I can do it so can you!!! just use your time wisley and do loads of revision not long to go


Well-known member
omg i cant believe its took me this long to realise why im rubbish at geog and english. i took art but was doing my A level when everyone else was doing their AS and the teachers had no idea and i had about 3 free lessons a week and they expected me to chase them round to ask what i had to do so i dropped it as i simply didnt have the time it was also so badly taught as the head of the art department had no idea that me and another boy were doing our A level so told us to do our own project and it was like what?? anyway i think im a very creative person and i LIKE being able to do what i want thats why (not big headed here) i was gd and art and really gd at textiles cos u can do what you want within reason i am SO not a revise and book person where u have to read through files and files of information and sit in a class constantly writing that is so not me. So next year im hoping to drop geography and english and do textiles and art which would be loads better cos at least i have some room to do my own thing unlike say geography where it has to be PERFECT and spot on what they want


Well-known member
^^yeh do wot u thinks best, i went from thinking im going to be a pharmacist to a lawyer. i was crap at chemistry and knew i would never enjoy it hence im hoping to do something which i am looking forward 2