cats fighting...what to do?


Well-known member
Well I just adopted a 3 month old orange tabby kitty. When I brought him home my other cat that is 1 year old was not too happy. When she sees him shes always hissing at him, swaping at his face, and chasing him. My kitty tries going up to her but she always chases him and hisses at him. I bought this kitten thinking it would be a good idea that my other cat has a companion to play with. So is this a normal thing?


New member
how long have u had the second kitty... i dont know if its that same with all animals but i had my first dog cece for about 9 years and i adopted another dog, kelly, a couple of months ago. at first cece hated her... cece a little bigger and would push her away when i was petting kelly or snap at her or steal her treats and stuff...but now they are fine... i think it just takes a little time for them to adjust.


Well-known member
this is very normal.....i work at a vet office and this happens all the time, very common questions. cats are very teritorial and it just takes time for them to get used to their new surroundings. just make sure that you show your older cat love and show him that the kitty is not there to replace him.
do they eat, drink and litter in the same area?
if so this could be a good training device to get them closer. but i would sugest using separate litter boxes for a little bit and slowly and gradually move them closer.

but over all it just takes time and love.


Agreed, it does take time to adjust. I'm currently owned by 5 cats, the youngest a 7.5 month old kitten acquired in July. Each time a new one was introduced, it took a week or so for the hissing and fighting to calm down. By the time 2 weeks pass since intro, they're usually all sleeping in a pile.

Of course, it depends on the resident cat. The last time I was a single-cat owner, the introduction of the second cat never really calmed down. She hated him, and did till the day she died. The poor 2nd kitty wanted to be friends, so we ended up getting him his own kitten. Oddly enough, first cat liked third cat, but not second cat. I guess she just didn't like realizing that she was actually a cat, not a short furry person. Once that dam burst, additional cats were okay.

Just make sure to pay lots of attention to the resident kitty, so she knows she's still loved.

Enjoy your cats!



Well-known member
Yeah I pay attention to my older cat but shes being a butt right now every now and then she'll hiss at me or she will let me pet her. They do share the same litter and eat in the same area. The hissing has calmed down which is good. Hopefully the tention between them will calm down.

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