Centered thread titles?


Well-known member
Just curious - was this changed intentionally or did I break something and it's showing up that way just on my PC? Or maybe it's like that for everyone and I'm the only one who's bothered by it?
I normally don't whine about stuff like this but it's really hard to scan the forums with the thread titles centered instead of left justified. Anyone in the know? Thanks!


Well-known member
yea, noticed it too. looks weird at first but now it's o.k
i guess you have to get used to it maybe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
When was this issue first noticed?

for me early in the morning 8.30 (europe time).
I stayed up till very late (like 4 in the past midnight) and did not have any problems then. Hope this helps


Well-known member
Are you still getting centered thread titles? I think this issue has been resolved. Please leave me feedback either way if you're reading this thread.


Well-known member
Everything is back to "normal" for me as well (left justified). First time I noticed the centering was about twenty minutes before starting the thread, but I know I was on earlier that day at work and it was ok.

Have to say I'm glad I'm not the only one who experienced it, 'cuz then I'd have thought I was going crazy!