Chanel Holiday 2011


Well-known member
Sounds lovely! OK I will try this combo! Maybe I will keep it after all.

I just tried Winthrop's combo. MAC's Pearl CCB & then BL in the crease, dark brown liner & it was lovely typical chanel look although subtle. It retained both the color & the sparkle. I tried it over the light color in the taupe duo, but it lost the sparkle & the color was not as obvious. I will keep mine now.

Any light pink or peach or pinky peach or even a neutral nude will work but here's a few that may work.

In Anticipation
Staunchly Stylish
Pink Edge
Pink Treat
Sublime Culture


Well-known member
I really need this set! Is this going to be readily available in the US? Probably not.

I haven't use the brushes. Here are the display pics. I will get the upclose pics up later this week.

The tips of the foundation brush isn't that white. This is the lighting playing tricks..



Well-known member
I'm not looking at those brushes... I'm NOT!
Chanel has taken enough of my money... thank you very much.

HG, I got the Beige Lame shadow for the precise reason that it's invisible. I know that sounds assinine, but it smooths out the lid area and 'lights' it... so that you can fake it like you're not wearing anything... because you have naturally fabulous eyes. I use MAC Naked Dark Pigment for the same reason... except Beige Lame has a distinct sparkle to it that lights the eye area even more. I love it.

It's also a perfect 'base' color for any color combo you choose to pair it with.


Well-known member
Now I want 3 of those brush sets. 1 for me & 2 to give as Christmas gifts. Will I ever be able to get them - probably not. I already saw a couple on ebay, but I would be too worried about buying a high priced fake. So unless they show up on, NM, etc. I will have to pass.


Well-known member
Now I want 3 of those brush sets. 1 for me & 2 to give as Christmas gifts. Will I ever be able to get them - probably not. I already saw a couple on ebay, but I would be too worried about buying a high priced fake. So unless they show up on, NM, etc. I will have to pass.
I got a set at my Neiman's. I should be able to post some pics tomorrow.


Well-known member
Elegant, how confident are you in your Nordies SA to know what she's talking about? We want the PINK!!!
Nordies had the bag that MissQQ posted with the brushes but it looked cherry red in the store not pink. Maybe it was the lighting.

And, all bought was a $3 hairpin today

I did swatch Clair again & it did look different than the mac one. Still deciding.


Well-known member
About the holiday lip bag -- do any of you ladies have problems with darker glosses getting out of the lip lines? That is my only worry about Spark. It looks like a gorgeous color, just not sure if it will bleed? And I kinda wish they put a LE glossimer or a different color than the clear one. But I guess I can always use a clear sparkly gloss, right??


Well-known member
Oh Elegant -- are you feeling ok??
thats what hubs wanted to know. I just couldn't find anything. And, Antho was having a huge sale. Nobody had my size. The makeup counters were insane busy & I already had the new stuff. I still had fun though.


Well-known member
thats what hubs wanted to know. I just couldn't find anything. And, Antho was having a huge sale. Nobody had my size. The makeup counters were insane busy & I already had the new stuff. I still had fun though.
I heard that lots of Anthros are doing a 40% of sale on almost everything. My local store, wasn't though. Bummer. So frustrating when they don't have your size, too. It is just fun to get out and look at all of the pretty things . . .
I have been in the mood to buy stuff . . . I wish the Velvets would come out already!


Well-known member
Yep, they were doing the 40% off. But I just couldn' t find anything. I wanted something :) oh well, I'll wait for the velvets.


Well-known member
Bah, I keep flip flopping about Beige Lame and Enivree. For BL I like the idea of having an e/s that's a good my-eyelids-but-better shade, but I worry about it not showing up at all to justify the high price tag. Enivree I keep swatching, saying no, then later wanting it. Dangit.

My local Nordies doesn't run out of LE stuff quickly (there were still about 10ish highlighters when I was there last week) so when it's closer to Christmas if those two items are still there, I'll pick them up. If not, it wasn't meant to be.


Well-known member
^^Elegant ~:
My store doesn't have it yet. It would be so adorable with a cardigan and skinny belt and a pair of boots. I'm so ticked my store isn't doing the 40% off. Oh wellz!

I've even been going through my wishlist of perm items from when I first started getting into Chanel -- trying to figure out what I want to buy LOL Hurry up Velvets!


Well-known member
Oh my gosh that Brompton Rose is gorgeous. I love the soft color. But it's so pretty I think I'd just want to look at it. The brush set looks nice but I really don't need any brushes. Of course that doesn't stop me on anything else.

The dinner went well. I was uncomfortable at first but then it relaxed. The boss's wife was really nice and she loves shoes also. My husband had told me that recently when he and his boss were out of town in meetings that he was trying to track down a pair of Christian Louboutins that she wanted and wherever she was going to get them from sold out. He was trying to track them down for her birthday. They were meeting with some senators and at lunch he was talking about it and one of them got hold of his wife cause she apparently was into shoes or knew people somewhere. So they ended up having all these people trying to find these freakin shoes. He was able to get them but one of the ladies told him you should order a half size up in Louboutins and when they arrived they were too big and had to be sent back. She is waiting for the new ones to come. So I did not get to see the "infamous shoes" :) My hubby would never have done all that for a pair of shoes for me, especially ones that cost an arm and a leg.

Including us there were five couples and only one was quite a bit younger. She got a bit tipsy and that was amusing. I had only met hubby's boss once and that was a quick introduction so I wasn't sure what to expect. Turns out he is very entertaining and has a great sense of humor. From his stories he is apparently quite the romantic also. He told how the two of them met. He was in New York for a business meeting and she was there. I think someone introduced them and I guess they hit it off right away. That night he called one of his friends and told him he had just met the girl he was going to marry and she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and so on. He then said that at the time he was actually living with another girl and had to end that relationship. He asked her to marry him five days after they met and he proposed at the top of the Empire State building.

Now if can only teach my husband some of that romantic stuff:)


Well-known member
^^ Quite a story about the shoes and the romance! Glad you were able to relax and enjoy yourself!

I went into Anthro as well this weekend, left with nothing. I just wasn't 'feeling' anything for some reason. I did not get the mug I wanted - my friend's name begins with 'C' and the only color for 'C' was green. Not her color. There were also quite a few people in the store so it made browsing a bit more difficult.

Yesterday at Nordie's I picked up Beige Lame - I'm in love with the multi-colored sparkles as well. No brushes though, but I think I would pass anyway. Now I'm wanting to go back and look at the lips, which I completely passed over initially.

I also managed to snag #06 in the Armani Eyes to Kill palette, which had been discontinued but was brought back (along with others) for a limited time. I'd been waiting for its return.

Elegant, I love that you got only a hairpin!


Well-known member
Shaddowaddict -- glad the evening went well. And who knows, maybe your husband took notes and will be buying you some Louboutins in the near future! ;)

Debi -- I hope you get your bag and clothes replaced. It is strange that Nordies is being so ridiculous about it. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Cheryl -- bummer the mug didn't come in a color your friend liked (it would be nice if you could order whatever color you want with whatever monogram). They do have the white mugs with the black monogram, too that are kinda cute.
If you ever get the time, I'd love to see what Beige Lame looks like on. It looks so pretty.


Well-known member
^^LOL, yeh I could just see my hubby trying to pick out any type shoe for me. But I'd take a pair of Louboutins anyday.

I think it's horrible how Nordies is handling the situation with Debi's bag. I have never had any issue that wasn't taken care of right away and these were quite minor. They are so good at tracking down an item you want that is sold out online or in store. They tracked down a nail polish for me this summer and had it sent to me. But to ruin someone's bag, shoes, and clothing and not be finding that exact bag and having it expressed to her along with a check to cover the cost of all other items and a large amount on a giftcard to keep her as a customer. That is what I would expect from them. Any other place I would expect all of that but maybe not the giftcard but it would be good customer service.

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