Well, my mind is at ease because I finally got myself to a Chanel counter. I ended up with the duo instead of the quad! :lol: I had said before that I prefer the quad, but I think the lighting was off. I just couldn't see how deep and gorgeous the green in the duo was. Also, the lighter shade has such a beautiful sheen to it. Before, it looked like some white chalky mess. It pains me because I really, truly love the last color in the quad; the one that's a dead ringer for Rose Plantine liner. I wish I could switch them out some kind of way. Well, that's all I hauled. I passed on Sari Dore, even though it's gorgeous. I prefer Chalys and I am waiting for Teheran to come around(supposedly in May on the website). So, from this collection I got the duo and the liner and I'm very, very, happy. :happydance:. I always feel strange buying one thing because I am a make up hoarder, so I was trying to find a glossimer. Problem is, I have so many that I forget which ones I already own. I need to write it down and have it with me so I won't purchase one that I already own.

hboy: Ok, funny story: there was a super needy customer at the counter before I got there. She had the MUA going all over the world. She was telling her to get this and asking her for that, blah blah. She wasn't particularly rude, just bossy and needy. I waited patiently and after about 10 minutes, the lady finally leaves. So the MUA apologizes, checks me out and then offers to show me how to apply the shadow because I had been so patient. I don't need anyone to show me how to apply shadow, but I said sure. Bless her, but what the hell? No primer, no foundation, nothing on my eye and she just goes to town. Granted, in the end it was...ok but I had green shadow all under my eye that I had to clean up and the colors were muted because they had no base. She put the dark green on and then the lighter shadow on top, FYI. Well, at least I know that without a primer my colors won't crease(they just won't pop). Wow, my skin must be super dry for it not to crease. :lol: Ok, sorry for the novel, but I thought it was funny.