Charm Factor or 15 Minutes!


Well-known member
These seem to be the most popular ones, and I'm wondering which one you like better. =D I'm curious about what everyone else thinks of them since I haven't seen much posting on them.

My 2 cents
: I'm going to get Charm Factor because I don't know how often I can pull of the pinky nude, although 15 Minutes looks cute and I have nothing like it. Charm Factor seems like it would be a wonderfully peachy on my lips, which would look great with my NC35 skintone.

**update** Just picked up Charm Factor today, and find that it's a peachier version of my lips, which have a rosy-berry tone to them. So it's not tons exciting, just a nice neutral to have for an all-over glowy look. Still hoping to score a (used?) 15 mins sometime down the road.**

So which of the two do you hold over the other and why? Please leave a comment along with your vote!


Well-known member
Charm Factor, definitely. It's so beautiful and smooth! 15 minutes kind of looks like death to me...


Active member
I bought Charm Factor when the collection first came out, and I love it!! It goes on really smooth and everything. I just bought 15 Minutes over the weekend, and I don't know if I like it or not. I can wear an NC 35, by the way.


Well-known member
I got charm factor last night and love it! I really like the color of 15 minutes, but don't care for the opaqueness of it. HTH!


Well-known member
15 minutes gives me a great mod look - I use be-in gloss over it and it's a great nude look


Well-known member
Charm Factor. though I need to wear it over a pinkish lipliner. 15 Minutes was way too opaque on me.


Well-known member
I voted for Charm Factor. I bought a back-up of it, which I rarely do, but the 15 Minutes I ordered just arrived and I really love it too. It's the first REALLY nude lipstick that's ever looked good on me. A very pleasant surprise! Try to pick one up at some point. NC20


Well-known member
15 minutes looks beautiful once it's on the lips for like 5 minutes (haha that's kinda funny) and has a nude gloss over it like C-thru or Elle. It's weird but it needs a few mins to set onto your lips or something.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VeronikaJ
15 minutes looks beautiful once it's on the lips for like 5 minutes (haha that's kinda funny) and has a nude gloss over it like C-thru or Elle. It's weird but it needs a few mins to set onto your lips or something.

I've got Phosphorelle!
But I'm 2 empties short of a lippie.... I really hope there's one waiting for me... hidden in the back of a drawer somewhere...*crossing fingers*


Well-known member
15 Minutes.

I don't care for it much by itself, but it's great with Nymphette L/G over it. I'm waiting for Ciao, Manhattan L/G to come in the mail, so I can't wait to try it over 15 Minutes.

Sadly, I didn't get to pick up Charm Factor. Maybe there'll be a few left when I go back to the counter.

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