Chemical Exfoliation or peel for Callused Feet?


Well-known member
Hi all! I have these really annoying calluses on the tips of my toes (on the space right under your toenail and around there, like where your toes would rub on your shoes) and since it's such an awkward spot, manual types of exfoliating are tough. Pumice stones are too big for the area, and various scrubs do nothing on them. They're pretty thick, I can tell ya. I mean, sometimes it gets so bad I'll cut them off with nail clippers. I know that's a no-no but they won't go away!

I was wondering...has anyone had success using chemical peels or exfoliators on calluses? Such as AHAs and BHA (salicylic acid)? It's not just the dry skin, therefore only moisturizing doesn't do anything except conceal the cracking and peeling. I've read somewhere that there are foot creams with AHAs in them, anyone know?

I've had some success using a coarse grit nail file. It's small, so it's easy to use on such a weird area. But it is taking forever and I'm getting fed up! any advice would be great