Chicagoians! Pleasssse be careful outside!


Well-known member
Normally, weather doesn't really bother me. But when I saw the 100 year old trees in my backyard SWAYING back and forth, that's when I was like "BASEMENT TIME!" and I ran downstairs, grabbed my shoes, a flashlight, the dog, the cat and my cell phone.

I'd never been so scared, and I've lived in Chicago area my whole life. And lately we have been having so many tornado warnings, more than I have ever seen in my lifetime for one summer.

It's bad. Skyscrapers have had their windows blown in, the Chicago History Museum had the windows blown in there too. Lake Shore Drive had a piece of a roof of a building fly INTO the street during rush hour. And a warehouse had it's roof cave in.

100 MPH winds and hail... no thank you! So please be careful! You know, don't go and climb trees and stuff, and hope for the best.

<3 <3


Well-known member
Stay safe! I agree, the tornado warnings get me VERY apprehensive, but I head to the basement and hope for the best! Good luck!


Well-known member
Yeah. I never worry when the warnings are out in Mundelein or Bolingbrook or some suburban area but today everyone IN the city was told to take cover. I was freaked out. So, I'm down in the basement with a radio, flashlight, candle, bottle of water, clock, matches and my phone. The sky was black, the wind was blowing hard (it blew open my front door, I guess it wasn't closed all the way) and the rain was coming down in sheets. Thank god the threat passed quickly. Now we are just having crazy thunderstorms.


Well-known member
Dang..i grew up on the Northside of Chi (represent!) and I dont remember tornado warnings for the city! Dang!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
Dang..i grew up on the Northside of Chi (represent!) and I dont remember tornado warnings for the city! Dang!

Yeah. Neither do I. This is the first time I remember ever having to take shelter.


Well-known member
I just signed back on after this second round of storms hit down here in the south suburbs.

A tree fell down ALMOST on my dad's car, he freaked of course, but my rental car is in the garage, so we don't really have another choice.

I have footage of the tree and stuff from my camera. I'll try and upload and stream it later from youtube.

It's SOOOO dark over here. It's been this dark since 6pm... way weird.


Well-known member
This weather has been insane. I've lived here my entire life and have NEVER seen anything like this. Hope everyone is doing well!


Well-known member
I called my mom and she saw the local news and it said like 83 stoplights were out in the chi !!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
I called my mom and she saw the local news and it said like 83 stoplights were out in the chi !!

Bah, I don't buy that for one second. Every light is out between my house and my boyfriend's seven miles away, including almost every light around him. I'm willing to bet that the city just doesn't want people to know how badly the traffic lights were hit.