child missing however


Well-known member
My thoughts are that I would never ever under any circumstances leave 3 small children in a hotel room while I went to eat unless there was another adult in the room. And I doubly wouldn't do it in a foreign country.


Well-known member
I would have not left my kids alone in a hotel room while I went to matter how close or far away the restaurant was. I hope they find her soon...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Leaving children that young alone anywhere is dumb idea. They could have done all sorts of things to injure themselves in there, let alone any outside forces.


Well-known member
I heard about this on the news. The children were 2 and 3, who leaves kids that young alone anyway? It's extremely neglectful, and I hope the parents feel really guilty.


Well-known member
for me is kind of stupid leaving your kids alone in an apartament in a foreigner country...


Well-known member
What idiots. I mean, they could have ordered room service, or he could have brought something back to the room if they wanted to eat and leave her sleeping. Man... I hope the child's found but the parents still feel like junk over this.


Well-known member
From what I understood they could see the bedroom from where they were eating? Not sure though. I'm not condoning leaving the children alone in the apartment at all, and it was obviously a huge mistake. But I'm sure they're feeling more guilt than they can handle right now and I wouldn't wish any more upon them. I just hope they find her asap, and that this has been a wake up call to other parents who might sometimes do the same thing when they're out and about.

They must have been convinced their children were safe, otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't have left them alone like that. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Again I'm not saying here that what they did was in any way a good idea, but I'm sure they are suffering enough


Well-known member
Yeah, sorry, it doesn't take hindsight to know that you NEVER leave small children unattended. Even if they could see the door to the room from where they were, so what? She was taken from an outside window.

These people are supposed to be educated and they have no common sense. I feel so sorry for this little girl who has been kidnapped and is probably being abused, if she's even still alive, and all because her parents are too stupid to watch her.


Well-known member
OK yes I should have stressed more in my previous post that I know they were stupid. When I mentioned hindsight I meant from their own viewpoint. Nowhere is ever safe to leave a child, no matter how unlikely it might seem to someone that anything can go wrong.

My point really was that they have my sympathies more than anything else, for what they're going through now as a result of their own actions.