Chris Rock is on HBO


Well-known member
right now.
Aside from the fact it's on the more crude end of the spectrum...what do y'all think about his message(s) regarding attitude in America, racism, etc.?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I haven't seen what you're watching, but I'm a fan of Chris Rock. I think he makes some good points and is funny


Well-known member
I do enjoy comedy that, while it's in your face, makes you think....and his comedy generally does.


Well-known member
"America's the only country in the WORLD where people go hunting on a FULL STOMACH!"

and his points on abortion are pretty freaking accurate.


Well-known member
He makes me laugh my ass off. And yeah, some of the things he says are things I can definitely agree with.


Well-known member
i HATE his voice so i've never been able to watch him


Well-known member
I love Chris Rock! I've watched most of his stand up's on HBO and he always has me laughing my ass off which is hard to do because I'm not easily amused.