Christmas party at your job


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This is my first job/year that we will be having a christmas party. So no stories yet. But looking forward to it.


Well-known member
This happened the year before I started at a company, but they often talked about it at work.

The Christmas party was at a bar in a restaurant. All of the execs at the company have Nextel Blueberries. Well, one of the guys got unbelievably drunk. He was one of the last to leave the party. A few of the remaining colleagues poored him into a cab.

Well, while he was on his way home, he got to Nextel'ing just about everyone on the work dial list. He told them all of the shitty things he thought about each and every one of them. Got realllllly brutal. So he shows up at work the next day and doesnt' remember doing any of it. Oooppps. *akward*

Yeah, he was fired.


Well-known member
That's why I think you should never get drunk with people from your job


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Every year we have a winter party. (cannot call it a holiday party because some people are offended) after the holidays. We have cocktails, dinner and dancing. It is great to dress up in gowns once a year.


Well-known member
Can I askyou why people are offended by the words ''holiday party''?

I overheard some people saying here that some companies here in Montreal also changed the terms, because people from other religions were offended and didnt want to go to the ''christmas party''... but as they changed the name of the party, they now ''can''.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Can I askyou why people are offended by the words ''holiday party''?...

Not directing this at you, Willa.
These are just my feelings on that subject.

I am guessing some people find the term "holiday" unpleasant because they do not celebrate any holiday at that time of year, so they feel offended.

That is just taking it to far, IMO. I mean really. Not everyone will be happy and be in an environment that is sensitive to their needs at all times. Seriously, if I was invited to a Hanukkah party, I wouldn't ask them to change name or not attend because I am not Jewish. I understand that the world does not revolve around me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Can I askyou why people are offended by the words ''holiday party''?

I overheard some people saying here that some companies here in Montreal also changed the terms, because people from other religions were offended and didnt want to go to the ''christmas party''... but as they changed the name of the party, they now ''can''.


It's called "les accomodements raisonnables".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
They should just throw more parties, one for every denomination.

And then one for all the people who have no denomination.


Active member
Well this was a few years ago but here it goes.

Ever year my family used to get together for an early Christmas party at a park with the company my uncle worked for. They had a huge ham and lots of food, etc. Well my aunt is a very big lady. She got her plate and put food on it. She went to a bench and sat down. She began eating. My cousin and I were over a the pony rides. When we were finished we walked over to where my aunt was sitting. She got up to get more food and we sat. My other 2 sisters joined us on the bench.

Well my aunt came back with a plate full of food and sat on the bench opposite us. All of a sudden we hear a "crack!!" My aunt broke the bench lol. It was the funniest thing ever. She was laughing harder than all of us.

And that was the same day this drunk guy walked into a tree. He was stumbling around and was calling for his wife. He was walking and everyone was calling his name but before anyone could grab him he walked smack-dab into the tree lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
It's called "les accomodements raisonnables".

Hahaha I know about that
I wonder if they'll bring that subject on during the next Montreal sessions...

MAC_Whore : I agree 100% with you
If people at my job asked to change the name of this holiday, I would ''fight'' and argue a lot for it to stay a CHRISTMAS party.

silversuniverse : funny story! I have a similar one, my aunt is very big, and I've seen her brake sooo many chairs


Well-known member
I hate it how my company has to be so politically correct with terms.

I am personally offend that we had to change it to 'winter party' because of a few people that got butt-hurt of a name. Most people in the US celebrate Chanukah or Christmas and they both occur during the month of December. Plus New Year's is a holiday too. If you are going to live in a country that has most people celebrating a holiday you don't, just accept it or get the heck out. It's like if I went to the Middle East and they had a Islamic holiday, I'd be respectful to those that celebrate the holiday because I chose to be there.

I believe it was a Jehovah Witness that complained about the use of 'holiday'. *rolls eyes*


Well-known member
we don't get a christmas party as such, but each department does their own little thing, and there's a christmas lunch done for the whole company.

we usually have a christmas breakfast as our department party - it's an awesome way to start the work day.


Well-known member
We're having a huge Christmas party at work (about one week before Christmas), and although everything is still top secret we know that it's going to be very glamorous - we're supposed to wear elegant evening gowns ... Last year I worked for a different company and they had the most awesome Christmas party: with a Roccoco theme, we got all dressed up in costumes and had a great time. This will be very hard to surpass.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
...we usually have a christmas breakfast as our department party - it's an awesome way to start the work day.

I like that. Good idea.


Well-known member
The Christmas party I went to last year was legendary. My internship was with a local non-profit organization that was run by extremely young people (my direct supervisor was the oldest at 32).

We all chipped in for the party to be hosted at a nice local catering hall, and they decided that it'd be open bar. Well, a couple of hours and quite a bit of alcohol later we heard some screaming. I heard something similar to this (leaving out the harsh language, but I'm sure you can imagine):

Employee: You think I'm (sleeping with) your husband?!
Wife: Yeah!
Employee: I'm not, BUT SHE IS!! (pointing to another coworker)

Then came the drunken catfight. We talked about that one for weeks.

This year I was invited to the office party (different internship), but I'm thinking it won't nearly be as eventful- it's with a politicians office, and I can't see them being the type to have a Jerry Springer-esque party.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_supra
I hate it how my company has to be so politically correct with terms.

I am personally offend that we had to change it to 'winter party' because of a few people that got butt-hurt of a name. Most people in the US celebrate Chanukah or Christmas and they both occur during the month of December. Plus New Year's is a holiday too. If you are going to live in a country that has most people celebrating a holiday you don't, just accept it or get the heck out. It's like if I went to the Middle East and they had a Islamic holiday, I'd be respectful to those that celebrate the holiday because I chose to be there.

I believe it was a Jehovah Witness that complained about the use of 'holiday'. *rolls eyes*

Ours got changed to "Annual Party" however the couple Jehovah's Witnesses that work for us (and the reason the name was changed from Christmas to Holiday to Annual) still don't attend. They do accept the $50 cash that the doctors hand out to everyone at the "annual party" - they just take it at the office rather than at the event. Apparently it's not ok to go to an 'annual party' but it's ok to take an 'annual fun cash.'

My hubby's work has their party in January and refers to it as an "annual" party as well. I do like that theirs is in January... not for the political correctness, but because the holiday rush is over by then and it feels more relaxing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
The Christmas party I went to last year was legendary. My internship was with a local non-profit organization that was run by extremely young people (my direct supervisor was the oldest at 32).

We all chipped in for the party to be hosted at a nice local catering hall, and they decided that it'd be open bar. Well, a couple of hours and quite a bit of alcohol later we heard some screaming. I heard something similar to this (leaving out the harsh language, but I'm sure you can imagine):

Employee: You think I'm (sleeping with) your husband?!
Wife: Yeah!
Employee: I'm not, BUT SHE IS!! (pointing to another coworker)

Then came the drunken catfight. We talked about that one for weeks.

This year I was invited to the office party (different internship), but I'm thinking it won't nearly be as eventful- it's with a politicians office, and I can't see them being the type to have a Jerry Springer-esque party.

lol thats some story. drama can be fun when its someone else's lol. that just sounds crazy. Its a shame her husband was cheating on her and she found out right around christmas though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
lol thats some story. drama can be fun when its someone else's lol. that just sounds crazy. Its a shame her husband was cheating on her and she found out right around christmas though.

Definitely a shame, but I can't say we all didn't see it coming sooner or later. He was so "that guy".