Christmas Specktra Story (Santa Essie??)


Well-known member
I have the weirdest story and I think you might enjoy to hear this. Me and my boyfriend live in a city and next to a set of two abandonded houses. I walk my dog to the abandoned backyards to go to the bathroom (don't worry, i pick up after him!) because it gives him more room to play and i don't like to walk him in the neighborhood too much because it's not the cleanest place and everyone is scared of him/gives me a hard time because he's a pit bull (but whatever, we adopted him when he was barely a year old, take him to the vet regularly and he's the sweetest pup!)
ANYWAY, it was christmas morning and I took him out. than he pulled me to try to pick something up. i stopped and noticed it was nail polish! ESSIE nail polish!!
I assumed it was mine because they are my love but noticed it wasn't. In the mud lied a nail polish called "Final Answer". It is red with goldish tones to it. It was so lovely and in this huge mude pile in the back on an abandonded house! I looked it up on the essie webpage and it's not there but I found it on the nail gal board.
It's weird to me becaus essie isn't really popular around here at all and i have been so crazy about it lately. It was like Santa gave me a present

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