Ugg, the leftover scars and marks are the absolute worst thing in dealing with acne since sometimes they can be permanent. I still get cystic zits every once in awhile especially around the nose just a week or so before my period. It's like my face is broadcasting to the entire world HELLOO, don't mess with me I'm PMSing!
2 months ago I got a monster on the side of my nose. Extracted it very carefully, the monster went away but I was left with a red scar. At least I wasn't left with a pit. I've been using Vit C serum on a daily basis for nearly a year for all over brightening and antioxidant, but spot treated the scar with helichyrsum essential oil. It's expensive but the scar has completely disappeared. I also used this EO on a scar on my hand after I burned it in the oven. The scar is very very faint now, much better than it would have been without it. I consider Heli oil an
essential essential oil I can't do without!