Clinique interview!


Well-known member
Well, I applied for a full-time position at the Clinique counter at Macy's. (We don't have a MAC counter

I first went through Macy's HR, and made sure I brought my Freelance resume with me to show my cosmetics experience, as well as my professional resume to show my sales. She had me come back an hour later when the cosmetics manager came in, so I could then interview with her.

She was wonderful- so sweet. She said she was impressed with my resumes, and told me that my makeup was flawless and that "you look like a Clinique girl!". She also complimented my complexion and said that if I worked at Clinique, that would be a good selling point since they focus so much on skin care. She told me they often don't hire cosmetics workers off the street- they usually recruit in-house. But she was impressed with me, and told me she was very glad she met me. Tomorrow I have an interview with the Clinique counter manager (who has been there 11 years!) Any idea what to expect? I know she's going to do a demo on ME, and I asked if I would get to do a demo on anyone. I would like to, if possible, after observing their sterilization, etc techniques.

Can anyone tell me about their experiences with Clinique? It's my favorite brand after MAC, and if you've seen my FOTDs, you know I'm pretty conservative when it comes to makeup (so why do I want all of C-Shock???)


Well-known member
As far as I know - at least from the Clinique girls at our location - none of them seemed to do a demo. They don't do many make-up applicaitons either it's more about sales. I don't think they have hardcore counter practices like MAC does. I always watch the Clinique girls and Lancome girls (they're the closes to our counter) and they apply products with their hands and stuff all the time.

This may only be at my location though, idk. I know there are some girls here who used to work for Clinique so they'll be able to help you out.


Well-known member
The interview went great- all I have to do is pass the phone interview from corporate (which is called Talent Plus), and I'm doing that tomorrow morning. If I pass it, I'm hired! Has anyone done this interview? Can you tell me anything about it?


Well-known member
I've done the phone interview. Most of the questions are things like: "What can you bring to Clinique?", "Is customer service or sales goals more important?" (the answer they actually want to this is sales goals, but I said that I felt that they were equally important because you can't have one without the other), "What makes you want to work for Clinique?" It was all pretty easy. It was a much less stressful job than MAC to me. There are sales goals to meet, of course, but it is not a brand that is really hard to sell. The only stressful/horrible part to me was Gift time. Ok, and maybe Christmas, but what isn't crazy at Christmas? Good luck! You will do great!


Well-known member
Just had my phone interview! AGH! SO nerve-wracking- I just want to KNOW if I got this job or not!!!!

We talked a lot about how I viewed meeting sales goals (I said that sales goals were most important in driving the counter's profitability and benefiting the company, but that it takes excellent customer service in order to meet those goals). She wanted to know if I felt if I could build interpersonal relationships (I studied that as part of my Psych work in college and worked at a non-profit for 3 years building interpersonal relationships with clients) I talked about how I was motivated by goals set for myself, and set by the company, how I wanted feedback from a manager on how I can improve, and how I want to constantly be learning in a position. Then I asked what the most important traits that Clinique looked for were, and she told me 1. Goal-driven 2. Wants to learn and receive feedback 3. Willingness and ability to build relationships with customers

Think it looks good??? I should find out today or tomorrow!! AGGHH


Well-known member
It sounds really good. I am crossing my fingers for you! I think this job might be what you need right now to get your mind off other things.

Let us know as soon as you hear.


Well-known member
Congrats! I'm glad you got the job, and thank you for the thread in general, you gave a lot of good tips on what to do w/ interviews and phone interviews for girls out there who needed them.


New member
[h=2]please can some one help me on what to say for my phone interview for clinique i am a student who ergently needs a job please get back asap thank you xx[/h]


New member u mind telling me if the talent plus questions are the same for manager position? I have my phone interview tomorrow. Any suggestions, since you have been through it lol. Thanks a lot