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Coastal Scents 88p: Green, Yellow & Black Look


Well-known member
sooooooooooo pretty! i'm surprised that the coastal scents shadows had such great pigment.
keep up the good work

Miss A

Well-known member
WOW!!! YOUr makeup is awesome!! please tell me what colors you used i dont get any sound on my computer!!


Well-known member
Wow, beautiful look! As if I need even one more eye shadow, your tut has made me go off and buy one of their 88 color palettes.


Active member
Hey it's hard to say what the name is because they don't have names. So watch the video and where I point at them... sowwy... i hope it helps!


Well-known member
Fantastic tutorial! I love how it's really up close, so we can see your blending technique. And you've got mad skills girl! I just checked out the rest of your tuts and I'm in love! Thanks so much!


Well-known member
LOVE the green.....your tuts are always amazing. But my question is....what song did you play at the very beginning? lol, yest kinda off topic, but I teach hip hop & would really like that song for class. PLMK.