Coats & jackets


Well-known member
Hi girls,

I was just wondering how many do you own... all right, I ask you this mainly to remove my guilt feelings while looking at my wardrobe

I've got 11 coats and 7 or 8 jackets, most of them have 9-10 years and a big part is from friends who gave me theirs... it's difficult to separate me from my old stuff, it is of sentimental value to me I guess!!

So... what are your stocks?? It's your turn ladies


Well-known member
I have about the same collection as you do. But living in the desert doesn't really call for jackets a good part of the year as most other places.

little teaser

Well-known member
i have around 13 coats and jackets, i live in florida and can only wear them a few times out of the year it never stays cold here more that a few days here and there.. a girl can never have enough of


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
a girl can never have enough of

You're so right :hifive: !! I didn't are to say it, ah ah !


Well-known member
I have around 5 or 6 jackets and one coat. def. need more! I love them...I mean, if I can look good even if it's freezing out, I'm gonna!


Well-known member
Hmm I feel like I need more coats/jackets although I probably have plenty. I have:
  • 1 brown light weight winter coat
  • 1 black raincoat
  • 2 short cord jackets (1 x black and 1 x brown in the same style)
  • 1 grey zip up hoodie that is my preciousss
  • 1 black bomber style jacket which I also love.
I wouldn't mind purchasing a dressy looking coat or even a cloak! I need something to wear with pretty dresses and skirts when I'm going somewhere special


Well-known member
oh gosh about 15-20coats/jackets but where i live its freezing out side today its in the low teens so i need them but i have cute summer jackets to


Well-known member
i have about a million jackets. 90% of the time, i'm wearing a jacket...whether it's cold or not hahaha