"Cold" brown, help!


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I'm looking for a "cold" brown eyeshdow, sort of silvery, not the usual golden brown. Can you help me? Mac only, please.
Thanks in advance


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamqueen1
mothbrown is a quite a cold, brown shade.

I agree! I just got mine today (Specktra sale) and it fits your description exactly. The only other two I can think of are coquette and concrete. I don't own these, but have played around with them at my counter.


Well-known member
i would rec mothbrown too. perhaps french grey from danse LE. its cold on me.
when you say "silvery" do you mean only shimmery or frosty colours?
because some of the new matte2 colours are really adorable. for example copperplate is a light greyish-brown shade which is cold on me. hard to describe colour but its gorgeous. and signed, sealed. dark plumish brown in the pan, but on me it turns to a dark cold brown which i love for the V.

hope this helps


Well-known member
Originally Posted by newagetomatoz
The only other two I can think of are coquette and concrete. I don't own these, but have played around with them at my counter.

I agree. The only thing is that they aren't really silvery but they are definitely cool toned browns.


Well-known member
hey gals, isn't moth brown only in the barbie loves mac collection? if i'm wrong please tell me because i would like to grab a moth brown too, i missed out on it