Colors that just do not blend???


Active member
hi it just me or are some the newer mac colors terrible for blending? As an artist there are just some that I can never get to work such as beautymarked shadow and some of the new colors in the Take Wing quad..however colors that have been around for a very long time are always easy to blend...particularly crease it just me?!!?i hope not


Well-known member
I hate the older lustres. The texture just does not work for me. They flake all over and refuse to blend the way I want them to
It sucks because I love the colour of some of them, but they are just so difficult to work with. I haven't had any problems with the velvets (like beauty marked or pompous blue) but I usually use them for lining.


Well-known member
I know it's not the reply your looking for, but try diff brushes.

I dont have all the brushes yet, but i try to get at least 1 new diff one each time I go to the counter. Some brushes just work better with diff colors. I've had shadows I hated because I couldn't get good application/blending that I love after getting a new brush.

I think a lot of the time brushes are the last thing we think about while @ the counter, but they really are amazing. If they didn't help out, there woulnd't be so many diff kinds.


Well-known member
velvets are my fave. a lot of ladies have said they were hard to blend, hard to work with, etc. i tried beautymarked once and it was kind of tricky so i used a sponge tipped applicator. i usually use sponge tipped applicators or my fingers to blend and/or apply mainly b/s i have been putting off getting any eye brushes!!!


Well-known member
Yeh i dont have any problems with the velvet's eigther. Big fluffy brushes work good for those in my expierence.


Well-known member
Not so much a blending tip, but... Beauty Marked looks great (ie. exactly like it does in the pot) on top of Foxy Lady eyeliner.


Velvets and lustres can be tricky, you can't just sweep them across the eye. You have to pack on the color first and blend softly to get the color. Pack with either a 239 or 217 and blend in circles with a 224. The girl who uses them for liners probably pats them on, same concept of packing in the color


Well-known member
Black Tied! I don't really have any problems with any other colours, but this one is always awful for me. And yet, I don't have a lot of problem with other Velvet textures.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LuvBeMac
creme de violet is suxx

2nd!!! gladly swapped it away!!!


Well-known member
I love the idea of Forgery.. it is just beautiful to look at (I think it's a lustre... I'm supposed to be working haha).. but it sucks. big time.