honestly i dont think u r! i've started noticing tha with mac which is y i'm starting to explore other make-up brands. its not all the shadows that do it but it seems like a lot do, like lighter colors. i discovered napoleon recently, which they sell at saks fifth avenue, and i loved their color pay off. you can easily build up the colors to be darker/vibrant or u can always do the reverse. my cousin recieved a make-over from them and sad it lasted all day long and into the night. i'm going out to buy some as soon as i get my first check from my new job! but some of the girls who live in austrailia (where their based out of) have given bad reviews. idk personally i like it, its a lil more expensive then mac ... smaller shadows (bout the same size as mac's) are $18 n the larger ones are $22. i dont mind payin the extra cuz it seems like ur gettin more for the money. jus my opinion though.