combo skin, winter makes very dry.


Well-known member
I have really dry skin, like you said it gets flaky (I call it facial dandruff:p TMI?) Anyways I use Lush's Skin Drink which is really hydrating. I'd get yourself to the nearest Lush store and get the SA's to give you some samples of their moisturisers. Also use their cleanser Aquamarina, it's very soothing because it has calomine in it and doesn't dry your skin out. Also if you're not using it, MAC Prep+Prime Skin is great for smoothing over any leftover dryness.


Well-known member
Your skin is exactly like mine, combo skin with flaky bits and all. The worst thing about the flaking part is that once you scrub-I mean exfoliated the dead skin off, the same patch will be peeling again at the end of the day.

An-e-way. Changed my face routine a month ago and now there’s no flakiness, no bumps and less oily t-zone.

1. wash with a gentle cleanser. No Aqua Marina for me because I found that it’s actually making me break out more instead of less.
2. exfoliate. I prefer LUSH’s Oceansalt but it can be a bit rough, so alternate with a less scrubby exfoliater of your choice.
3. apply LUSH’s cupcake mask
4. moisturize with LUSH’s Imperialis

Repeat step 2 & 3 twice weekly. Always exfoliate before mask. Apply Imperialis sparingly, should you choose to use it. Gently rub off any flaky bits with a wet cloth and a bit of cleanser before applying makeup, rinse well, lightly pat on a light moisturizer then apply makeup as usual.


Well-known member
I have combination skin too, and in the winter, my cheeks and chin do the same flaking thing as your nose is doing. It hasnt been so bad for me this year; I've worked out a pretty good system for myself:

1. Wash with gentle cream cleanser (Kiehls Gentle Foaming Cleanser; the name is a total lie since it doesnt foam)
2. Moisturize (Kiehls Ultra Moisturizer w/o SPF)
3. Exfoliate once a week; more than this irritates my skin and causes even more dryness and flakiness (Kiehls Gentle Buffing Cream)
4. Gel based mask once a week (kiehls soothing gel masque) This stuff smoothes out the flakes, and calms any redness/irritation in the dry areas

Yeah, I love kiehls skincare. I live in the middle of nowhere too, but I order off their website; their always having free shipping codes.

1. Moisturize, wait 5 minutes
2. Prime skin (I like NARS primer; it's seems thinner than say Smashbox or MAC's primer, and doesnt irritate the skin. Really gives the concealor something to hold on to.) Dont need to wait for this to soak in.
3. Conceal using liquid concealor (Prescriptives Camoflauge Cream)
4. Oil Based Foundation (this is so key, I was very very reluctant to try Oil based, since my skin is super sensitive, but this helps a ton. I use NARS balanced foundation)


Well-known member
I was also going to suggest not to forget to exfoliate! It might sound silly but I have very similar problem in winter and once you get rid of all the dead skin cells, moisturiser is able to really sink into skin and thus properly or more effectively moisturise.

Just a gentle scrub will do, nothing too harsh. Lush's Angels On Bare Skin does the trick, seeing as someone mentioned Lush here

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