

Well-known member
I'm sure this has been talked about before...
But do MAC employee's make commission?

or any other high end cosmetics line?

I have always wondered this because sometimes when I have snotty MA's helping me I don't want to buy anything because I don't think they should deserve the commission, but when they are nice I just want to spend lots of money!


Well-known member
If the MAC counter is in Nordstrom, then yes, they make commission.

But if they are being snotty to you for whatever, report them. You have that right.


Well-known member
No Commission, period. MAC is a Partner Business with all of the department stores they operate counters in.

MAC Cosmetics does not have commissioned sales even though the store they may be in allows their SAs to make commission.

MAC Employees that work @ MAC Counters in Nordstrom, Macy's... are employees of MAC, not the stores.

If anything is different, then I will stand corrected.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NaturalSister19
No Commission, period. MAC is a Partner Business with all of the department stores they operate counters in.

MAC Cosmetics does not have commissioned sales even though the store they may be in allows their SAs to make commission.

MAC Employees that work @ MAC Counters in Nordstrom, Macy's... are employees of MAC, not the stores.

If anything is different, then I will stand corrected.

Sorry but you are incorrect. MAC employees in Nordstrom do make commision. To the best of my knoweledge that is the only location in which MAC artist's do make commision.
Commision or not, we all have demanding sales goals and appreciate customer loyalty etc.
If anyone is snotty, report them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Sorry but you are incorrect. MAC employees in Nordstrom do make commision. To the best of my knoweledge that is the only location in which MAC artist's do make commision.
Commision or not, we all have demanding sales goals and appreciate customer loyalty etc.
If anyone is snotty, report them.

Yes, I was a MAC Employee at Nordstrom and we made commission.


Well-known member
My friend who works at MAC Nordstrom does make commission. That's why I always put in the effort to go to the MAC store and Nordstrom when I'm at the mall. I go the to store for palletes and refills and I go to Nordstrom for everything else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Commision or not, we all have demanding sales goals and appreciate customer loyalty etc.
If anyone is snotty, report them.

I agree. When a customer doesnt feel welcome in a store then clearly theres a problem with the store attitude and staff therein. When MA/SAs are being snotty or too busy looking down their noses at customers then they dont deserve your business, your contribution to their quota, or any comission you might bring them.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NaturalSister19

MAC Employees that work @ MAC Counters in Nordstrom... are employees of MAC, not the stores.

Nope...MAC employees at Nordies are employees of Nordies, but still get all the MAC bennies (Gratis, training, EMS, discount, etc)...and they get a commission on anything they sell in the store...even clothes and shoes and such.


Well-known member
i'm a MAC artist at Nordstrom, and we do make commission. it's not a ton or anything, but it's nice! especially because i can also sell cosmetics and skin care from other lines... heck, i can sell some shoes if my customer wants them! they encourage us to build relationships with our customers, and we can be their personal shoppers. it's a great place to work, IMO! at least the ALASKA team is amazing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little_angel
i'm a MAC artist at Nordstrom, and we do make commission. it's not a ton or anything, but it's nice! especially because i can also sell cosmetics and skin care from other lines... heck, i can sell some shoes if my customer wants them! they encourage us to build relationships with our customers, and we can be their personal shoppers. it's a great place to work, IMO! at least the ALASKA team is amazing!

So I can ask a MAC MA to get me a Clinique product or something? And they'll get that commission??!! That's pretty awesome. I don't like the SA's at the other brands. A lot of them are pretty snooty. But the MAC MA's are awesome. I remember I wanted to get a Clinique liquid liner (it's my absolute HG) and I was just standing there waiting to be helped. There was one girl working there, and there was only one customer at the counter besides me. I guess she just started helping the lady and kept talking to her. I was standing nearby (it's a small counter so there's no space for me to be far) and I obviously looked like I needed to be helped. I understand that she's helping someone but I like to at least be acknowledged. She acted like I wasn't even there, when it's clear she's glanced at me so it couldn't have been like she never saw me (and come on, I repeat, it's an itty bitty counter). All I needed was like a "Hi!" or "I'll be with you shortly" or anything! Say something to me! I stood there for about 6 minutes while she was talking to the lady and the SA had plenty of opportunity and breaks from talking to her to say hi to me while she was grabbing some stuff(right in front of me! ) for the lady. I think it was because I was dressed like a hobo (sweats and Disneyland tshirt) and didn't have makeup on (I look like a 12 year old w/o makeup lol). I guess she thought I was just a kid that didn't have any money and was just looking and can't buy anything anyway. I got pissed so I walked 6 feet over to the MAC counter and received great friendly customer service. It would have been great if I knew back then because I really did want the Clinique liquid liner lol. I could have had the MA get the liner for me in front of her face so she could get the commission instead! If only I knew!


Well-known member
personally, i love helping other customers get things from other lines. This helps me better my product knowledge about my whole department which helps me become a better sales person (in my opinion). i don't like lying to my customers either. i don't use mac mascaras because i don't think they do much for my short asian lashes and i'll let them know that. I know if you don't already have great lashes, zoom lash has a tendency to clump so i'll let them know that.


Well-known member
Wow, I didn't know they made commission.

I have had really bad experiences with MAC and Dior in regard to the MA. All the other lines - no problem.

Dior, I had a girl that refused to even look at me. I think she was reading behind the counter. Anyway, I kept asking about how to use the Dior Show eye shadows. She said, "They are the new eye shadows". I couldn't tell the blush from the eye shadow, because their in the same darn container and she had this lady just come up by me and stare at me trying to figure out how to use these things. When I put on a blush as eye shadow, she said, "That's not an eye shadow". I said, "Well, it appears that this pale pink could be used as one". I found out later from an makeup artist that was true.

At the MAC, there was a dude wearing make up and I liked his eye shadow. So, I asked him what color he was wearing. He said I am not wearing any makeup. ((((GASP!!!))) This dude was totally lying. I have been wearing makeup for years and I could tell he was wearing foundation, blush, eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. That really ticked me off.

So, being the nice person that I am, I overlooked his lying. I then asked him about the paints. He said that's for makeup artists. He claimed he went to school for art, so he knows how to use them and they are actually paint. I then asked about the shade sticks. He said the only color that I could use was lightest, because the others were for make up artist. WHAT THE ****/*****/***** was he on?

The next time I went to the MAC counter, there was this Asian girl there. Her makeup was flawless. I asked her what she used. She actually turned away from me and put on lipstick in a mirror. The other MA asked her to tell me what she used. She just pointed at the eye shadows and named off three really fast. I said, "Could you repeat that please?" She walked off and mumbled Prep & Prime.

At the another MAC store, these gals were looking like they smoked something. Any how, I told them two items that I wanted. One of them told me to get it out of the drawer and the other said, "I am on break."

After that, I wrote to MAC on-line
& asked them how to use paints, shade sticks, and ordered what I wanted.

I did find a store near me wear the MA are better, but what the *****/****/**** was wrong with those other peps. GEEES!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Wow, I didn't know they made commission.

I have had really bad experiences with MAC and Dior in regard to the MA. All the other lines - no problem.

Dior, I had a girl that refused to even look at me. I think she was reading behind the counter. Anyway, I kept asking about how to use the Dior Show eye shadows. She said, "They are the new eye shadows". I couldn't tell the blush from the eye shadow, because their in the same darn container and she had this lady just come up by me and stare at me trying to figure out how to use these things. When I put on a blush as eye shadow, she said, "That's not an eye shadow". I said, "Well, it appears that this pale pink could be used as one". I found out later from an makeup artist that was true.

At the MAC, there was a dude wearing make up and I liked his eye shadow. So, I asked him what color he was wearing. He said I am not wearing any makeup. ((((GASP!!!))) This dude was totally lying. I have been wearing makeup for years and I could tell he was wearing foundation, blush, eyeliner, lipstick, and mascara. That really ticked me off.

So, being the nice person that I am, I overlooked his lying. I then asked him about the paints. He said that's for makeup artists. He claimed he went to school for art, so he knows how to use them and they are actually paint. I then asked about the shade sticks. He said the only color that I could use was lightest, because the others were for make up artist. WHAT THE ****/*****/***** was he on?

The next time I went to the MAC counter, there was this Asian girl there. Her makeup was flawless. I asked her what she used. She actually turned away from me and put on lipstick in a mirror. The other MA asked her to tell me what she used. She just pointed at the eye shadows and named off three really fast. I said, "Could you repeat that please?" She walked off and mumbled Prep & Prime.

At the another MAC store, these gals were looking like they smoked something. Any how, I told them two items that I wanted. One of them told me to get it out of the drawer and the other said, "I am on break."

After that, I wrote to MAC on-line
& asked them how to use paints, shade sticks, and ordered what I wanted.

I did find a store near me wear the MA are better, but what the *****/****/**** was wrong with those other peps. GEEES!

OMG! That's like... ridiculous!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxyrbestbetxx
personally, i love helping other customers get things from other lines. This helps me better my product knowledge about my whole department which helps me become a better sales person (in my opinion). i don't like lying to my customers either. i don't use mac mascaras because i don't think they do much for my short asian lashes and i'll let them know that. I know if you don't already have great lashes, zoom lash has a tendency to clump so i'll let them know that.

I have a question. Do the other brand SA's ever get kinda mad when you do that?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
I have a question. Do the other brand SA's ever get kinda mad when you do that?

If the customer knows what he/she needs, i'll go behind the bay and get that for them. Alot of times customers just want to do one big transaction and if i didn't get help from other brand SA's, i get the commission for that. But, if the other SA's do help a little, i just ask for their number so i can put it under their number.


Well-known member
Some SA/MAs from the other lines can get upset sometimes if you "raid" their products. There are some really territorial people out there. The secret to keeping the peace with the other lines is to throw them a bone. When they have customers that come over to the MAC counter to get stuff, just give it to them and don't try to make the sale. They'll realize that you're not out to steal their customers and they'llbe more than willing to help you out when you go to their counters. Also, for example, if the customer comes in for say, an eyeliner from MAC and a lot of stuff from Chanel, I would hand them off to the Chanel person, eyeliner and all. I never had a problem with anyone from any other line (even the super-territorial Clarins lady!)


Well-known member
I agree with giz2000
luckily, I work with amazing people. we all tend to help each other out. let's say some SA from chanel's customer needs a bronzer and the SA asked for it, all of us at MAC would grab it and hand it to her without giving her our number. In my opinion i don't think i should get that sale because i wasn't helping the customer and grabbing something for someone literally takes like 20 seconds.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
Nope...MAC employees at Nordies are employees of Nordies, but still get all the MAC bennies (Gratis, training, EMS, discount, etc)...and they get a commission on anything they sell in the store...even clothes and shoes and such.

In my region they treat us all the same.