Constant Mac Victim


Active member
Hey all, I'm new to the site, but I've been enjoying every bit I've seen so far..Oh yeah..and I'm mostly a victim becuz I'm a big ol'
.so here goes my story...

Lol..I'm really weary about buying new included. So what usually happens to me is that I go to the mac to a Make Up Artist and tell them I feel a little adventurous and to basically hook me up with a little something new. I go home with something that looks great on me in the store...but I say...hell that was a Professional who made the makeup look Fantastic on me...the real test is when I go home and mix and match my new product with the stuff I have already and I truly get to see if I can "rock it out". So in some cases I end up LOVING, and i do mean LOVING my new product. Fast forward to a couple months later...its time for a refill and do u know what I hear "sorry hun that was a limited edition and its all gone"...aahhhhh
......i think u can hear my heart breaking the very minute they tell me that. Lol
...if you only know how many times this has happened to me you would laugh....I dont know whats my alternative...I dont wanna look like a nut and buy Costco/BJ's quantities of makeup for fear they may never return...LOL
...but I refuse to let this happen to me

So my ? to all of u..has anyone else fallen victim to limited edition Luv..and if so..what products and colors have you had to luv and let go..:confused:


Well-known member
Though I havent had this happen to me, I am going to try and prevent it and buy backups of Fertile and Rose Blanc.


Well-known member
i hate mac for that, every great item is LE, and every LE item is just a reincarnation of a previous one. boo.


Well-known member
I totally feel your pain. I am in love with some of the Strange Hybrid stuff.... so far i have bought 4 moonflowers, 2 rose blancs, 2 fertiles and 5, yes 5, slimshines in Gaily (i know they're not SH).

I've decided that I have to do my best to just not look at the LE stuff for fear that i'll fall in love with it. Even as I type this, i'm wondering if I should go get more moonflower, fertile and rose blanc...

Next time you go into the store you could specifically ask them to show you some of the permanent stuff rather than use the LE stuff on you...


Well-known member
Flash of Flesh,.. I have literally gone through 5 of them and now have none,......I knew the first time I put it on that no matter how many I bought it would never be enough. Rarely do I buy a back up and usually it is only 1(MSF's excluded). I usually know when I put it on how "in love" with it I will be and if/how many backups I will need. I have so much that unless it is true love,.. Like Flash of Flesh, I don't get backups,.. I rarely use all of any one thing.


Well-known member
It was my second eyeshadow before I knew what Limited Edition was.... I was shattered when I discovered it was LE, now I use it sparingly on special occasions.


Well-known member
LE products are totally frustrating. I am praying that I never run out of Pollen eye shadow as it is my favorite for highlighting. And with the way that I am liking these new Slimshines I think that I am going to have to seriously stock up!

But at least we have specktra where we can sometimes get a favorite product from another member who might not like it as much.
That is why this place is the best in my book!


Well-known member
Strawberry Blonde -- I've never seen anything else like it. Thank goodness, I have a backup. But then what???

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