Control your brats.


Well-known member
Dear people who aren't me who chose to breed:

Control your fucking spawn when they're out in public. At no point in time should I ever have to worry about some brat in a pair of Heelies running me down in the aisle. In fact, the next time your little demon seed runs into me? I'm pushing the little fucker down.

You nimrods are so afraid to discipline your children, terrified they won't like you or be your friend anymore, you're effectively handicapping them for life. They've got no coping skills, no interacting mechanisms, and no ability to empathize or relate to another person on a mental, intellectual, or emotional level.

Teach your kids some fucking respect, for themselves and for strangers. Teach them that when Momma says "Stop it, before I take you to the bathroom.", it fucking means something. You don't have to beat them, there's a world of difference between effective applied force in a controlled manner to stop an undesirable behaviour and beating a child. Learn it, live it, love it. I guarantee you, take little Susie or Jose into the bathroom and wear his ass out a few times, and he'll stop that running around/tearing into toys/knocking strangers over bullshit.

Teach your kids about what it means to deal with the word "No", and that hearing that word doesn't mean the end of the world is nigh.

Shut their fucking smart mouths up. I'm sick to death of hearing 9 year olds backtalk their moms. Slap his teeth down his throat, give him consistent discipline and have a set of expectations for his little pseudo emo adolescent ass. Teach him to mow the yard, take out the trash, and keep that fucking nasty bedroom clean.
Make your 14 year olds cover their tits, too, while you're at it. And buy her some pants that fit. A 4" gap of skin over the belt and under the bottom hem of her t-shirt, particularly when it's filled by the flesh equivalent of a bag of dog food wrapped around her waist, don't exactly scream "Hey! Guys respect me, I ain't playin'!" It actually kind of screams "Look at me! I put out! And suck dick!" because that's probably the only attention they know how to get from a male, thanks to the unbelievable Daddy Issues this generation of female is growing up with.

And finally, the next time your brat runs across my path, causing me to simultaneously stump my toe and hit my elbow, don't be surprised if I later on swing back by and plow the little bastard with the side of my shopping cart. I won't be looking to avoid him in the future.


P.S. If I ever find the motherfucker who created Heelies, I'm going to beat him within an inch of his life with one of those fucking shoes.


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Don't get me wrong, I have kids, and if I saw my kids acting the way I saw some of these kids acting tonight, I'd drag them to the bathroom by their ear and make sure they saw the error of their ways.


Well-known member
OMFG, yes! Especially to the heelies. Just yesterday, I saw a store employee at Costco stop a kid with heelies who was zipping down the aisles and ask him "Ok, where's your mom?" She hauled his butt back to his mother and told her that he had to stay with her at all times and that they didn't want to catch him "skating down the aisles". As tempting as it was, I didn't cheer... at least not out loud.

We had a kid in the office last week who screamed the whole time they were trying on glasses. He gave me a headache from behind the closed doors of my office. Literally screamed for like 20 minutes. The poor optician couldn't even lean towards him without him screaming bloody murder. The mom says, "Oh, he does this all the time." and then later says, "So is this like your first time helping a crying child?" Told her she should have responded, "I've just never helped Damien get new glasses." And no, he wasn't a special needs child, perfectly normal if you don't count being satan spawn.


Re the screaming myopic child: the optician should have ushered Mom and brat out of the office. "He'll get fitted when he stops having a fit, not before. Or find another optician."

I don't put up with ANYTHING anymore. You mess up in my office, yer out.


Well-known member
Personally, I probably would have said, "You're going to want to come back another day when he's able to cooperate." and walked away. She's much too nice to do that, but holy hell, that kid made me want to stab myself in the ears with a pen!


Well-known member
Yes, yes, and yes!!!!!!! I have a friend who has 3 uncontrollable kids, and a new make that 4. She''s even considering another one. It's very embarrasing to be out in public with her when she has these out-of-control kids with her. The kids run up and down isles screaming, and people give me evil stares. Her younger one has no problem yelling out loud that the lady in front of us has messed up teeth..the friend laughs it off. I stand there red faced. Too many incidents, too many awkward moments have made me make up plans to avoid seeing her. I don't have children, and while I don't know how hard it is to raise children, I can't fathom that this is the correct way. I've heard her being praised for making motherhood look so painless and easy, the fact is she doesn't control her kids and that's why it's so easy. Sorry about my long rant, but yeah.

And for Shimmer, I love the way you are able to write and make things flow, being both amusing and factual at the same time. You should be a writer!


Well-known member
Thank you Shimmer! You are awesome. I hate screaming little brats. I always give the brats and their worthless parents the evil eye.


Well-known member
I HATE heelies. Seriously...I worked at a convenient store and all these damn kids were coming in wheeling around the store. When you slip and fall, don't blame me. What the hell is up with those? They suck.

I was at the barbershop with my boyfriend and this lady was in there with her son. This little fucking boy sat right next to me, and kept hitting me. Not hard, just like taps. It was really fucking annoying. I didn't want to be rude but I seriously should've said something to the girl. "Excuse me, can you please get your son???" She kept calling his name and telling him to stop, but the little bastard wouldn't. Then he gets in the barber chair and picks his nose for the next 45 minutes.

Last but not least, me and my boyfriend were in the mall. Theres a long hallway that leads to the bathrooms. So he went to the bathroom, I waited in the hall. All the way at the end of the hall this lady and a guy are having a conversation. A kid is Heely-ing all up and down the hallway. So all of a sudden this other lady comes up to the lady having a conversation, and says "Did you fucking try to trip my niece??" The lady says "No, what are you talking about?"
"yes you did, you fucking try to trip her....why would you do that to a little kid, are you that immature??"

"I didn't trip your fucking niece"

The little girl says "yes YOU DID"

The lady then says "Maybe if she wasn't fucking skating all over the place it wouldn't have happened"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
Told her she should have responded, "I've just never helped Damien get new glasses."

Wow. That was HILARIOUS