Cool PPPs - fav nude/ ylbb lipstick?


Well-known member

Usually I'm a chapstick-only-person, but lately I'm longing for a lipstick that evens out my lipcolor, and tones my fairly full, medium pigmented lips just a bit down so the eyes stand out more, but without making me look dead.

I'm very pale (Mac's Studio Fix NC15 is too dark) and definitely cool-toned, and I already tried some nude lipsticks in the drugstore (f.i. Rimmel Birthday Suit) - all were too orange/ too brown/ too dark, and just looked plain wrong - but I wouldn't like the color to be too pink either.

I think maybe I need something with a hint of mauve?, and without pearl or frost (that's just not flattering on my skin) - is there a "nude" lipstick that you like on pale skin and would recommend? (all brands welcome!)

Please, help me on my quest
, I'm totally at a loss and want this bad!



Well-known member
Ooh, my first Specktra post after a week or so of lurking - did not expect to be making a recommendation.

I think L'Oreal's Glam Shine Juice in Fashion would fit what you're looking for. It's a gloss, but it's a slightly mauve, slightly beige YLBB pink. It is lighter than my medium-pigmented lips but doesn't make me look sick either. Definitely not too pink and looks great with smokey or darker eyes (my favourite look).

Back to lurking, admiring the great tutorials, and drooling over everyone's stashes.


Well-known member
Hi Ms. Bloom!
Welcome to Specktra from a semi-lurker
, have fun!

That sounds good, despite being a lipgloss - but don't the Glam Shine Juices usually come with glitter? If this one's not sparkly, I'll try it out for sure! Thank you!


Well-known member
I recommend revlon's colorstay overtime SHEER in 840 mocha. It's a great MLBB for me, and I'm super pale cool skinned as well. It comes with a little tube of shimmery gloss to put over the long-lasting stain, but I just use a lip balm instead -- for a more matte look.

I hope this helps!!


Well-known member
Hi Vedra

Nope - the Fashion Juice, at least, has no shimmer.

Good luck finding your lippie. Pink/nude colours are my favourite - I also like MAC Lust lipglass, NARS Dolce Vita lipstick, and L'Oreal Glam Shine Cream lipstick in Sweet Nude, but none of them have a mauvey undertone.


Well-known member
Ms. Bloom, that's funny
- 'cause when I was looking for my perfect nude color at the drugstore and not successful, I finally left with Glam Shine Cream Sweet Nude for a fresh mlbb look instead, and I actually like it (the consistency/ finish is great, the scent not so much

Thanks again! - now I really do hope that Fashion Juice is available around here (in Austria the selection of the brand's products is always much more limited). *fingerscrossed*


Well-known member
Have you tried MAC's Midimauve? It is really pretty! I am NW15 and like it with Whirl lipliner.


New member
For a nude look I apply concealer on my lips to depigment them and then MAC Underplay - lovely caramel nude. Or if I'm in a rosebud lip mood I use NARS Eros lip laquer.

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