Cool toned nude lip


Well-known member
I am in search for teh "perfect" nude lip. :) I am between NW20 and NW25 right now, with very cool toned skin. I have tried many a nude lip, and hated most because they were either too yellow-toned or they washed me out completely. I currently have to mix myth with a revlon pinkish color to get a decent color, but I would like one that just IS the right color.

So please give me your recommendations for a pink-toned nude lip.



Well-known member
I'm warm skinned and Blankety is really cool-pink/nude colored on me! Maybe give that a try too! :]


Well-known member
Wow, thanks you guys! This was a LOT of help! With the mac sale right now, I'm trying to get some things knocked off my will definitely be the cool nude lip! I am off to check out these color suggestions now!

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