Coordinating Makeup?


Well-known member
I keep reading that you shouldnt match your makeup w/ your clothes...

So how do you coordinate your makeup to what you have on? Like if I have on a green tshirt, my first instinct is to throw on some Juxt... But what other guidelines do you follow to coordinate? (Hope Im making sense here..) TIA!


Well-known member
I know what you’re talking about. But I break the rules. I love to match my clothes with my eyeshadow, but I think what you mean is how to do it without being so obvious? And adding more colors? I’d like to know that too.


Well-known member
I usually coordinate my makeup in the way of "what makeup would go with this?" If it's a busy looking shirt with lots of designs, I tend to have a more neutral palette. If it's plainer, then, I break out the colors.

Also, sometimes I'll match the colors, but only if it's not a very bright shirt and only in little pops of color on my lids or my lips. The shirt garners enough attention- I don't need to pull a "Mimi".

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by asnbrb
I usually coordinate my makeup in the way of "what makeup would go with this?" If it's a busy looking shirt with lots of designs, I tend to have a more neutral palette. If it's plainer, then, I break out the colors. .

That's what I do. I make sure my make-up doesn't clash but complements. I wouldn't wear red with orange shirts, unless it's really complementary.

If my outfit has glitter or sparkle in it, I don't wear glittery make up or tone it down.


Well-known member
Ok so I'll admit that I coordinate sometimes haha especially if it's something I'm wearing out at night to a party. From day to day I don't usually wear make-up because my bf hates when I wear make-up in the daytime haha. He bugs me so I cave. If I'm going to work I usually wind up doing one of the following looks if I wake up in time to do my make-up:

-ALL black smokey eye (YES I will rock this in the daytime haha)
-Neutral browns (sometimes with a hint of purple)


Well-known member
Thanks for the input guys....

Im still working on trying to figure out the trick. Like today I have on a black and white top so I did a very neutral face as not to compete..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kels823
Thanks for the input guys....

Im still working on trying to figure out the trick. Like today I have on a black and white top so I did a very neutral face as not to compete..

Ah, but black and white is neutral enough for some red or fuschia lips too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fairybelle
Ah, but black and white is neutral enough for some red or fuschia lips too!

That's what i was thinking.. anything goes with black and white!


Well-known member
I agree with the black/white suggestion above. If I wear black and white, then I opt for a colorful lip or a colorful eye, with the opposing feature more subdued.

I also fall prey to the coordinating e/s w/ clothing, but I don't make it obvious. I think when it's done in the right level it can be a perfect match.

I basically compliment my makeup like I would with the makeup itself. I try and accent one feature. You just have to have a balance, ya know?

Good luck!



Well-known member
Wow, I didnt even THINK of it like that.. *sigh* Sorry, Im learning.. Thx you guys! Pls continue to post suggestions if possible..


Well-known member
I match my makeup to my clothes in a general sense, but I try not to get TOO matchy matchy. For example, if I wear a pink and green striped shirt, I will wear just pink OR green. Or if it's a solid purple tee, I'll use a different shade of purple. I try not to make it too obvious or over the top.


Well-known member
The way I match my MU to my close is through either my eyeliner or my lip color.

If I'm wearing purples I tend to wear a plummy lip color like Syrup or if I wear Red I wear a red mouth

But if I am wearing blue based tones and since I usually go more for a very neutral look- I have every e/l in the world - every color for just the occasion (except plums)-

So If I'm wearing a green shirt- Guess what color my e/l is? Yup Green and I go about with my neutral eye

If I am wearing a yellow shirt- I will wear my neutral eye with yellow right on the outer corners

And if I'm wearing Black- Black E/L etc


Well-known member
I tend to always wear black, so that helps...any color goes with black!
But when I wear colors, I *do* color co-ordinate. Like, I wore a shirt with blue and dark blue stripes, so I used just the dark blue for a crease color. I think it looks very nice and streamlined when makeup picks up the colors in your outfits. I do always try to keep my eye makeup toned down if I'm wearing a bright shirt...I save the bright fuschia and electric eel for my black clothes, only!


Well-known member
I usually just wear either like brownish neutral eyeshadow or something purple. So if im wearing cool colors, i'll wear purple, and if i wear like warm colors i'll wear my neutral browns. Or sometimes when im lazy which is 75% of the time, I just wear mascara and black eyeliner on the waterline


Well-known member
It depends on what I am wearing but most of the time, the color I am wearing is somewhere in there, to tie everything together. I always get compliments when my makeup at least semi-matches my clothes. Like tomorrow I will be wearing my turquoise sweater and black pants... I will do my MU with sushi flower, trax and a little turquaitc in the crease. If I am wearing loud clothes then I do a really nice prime look. If my clothes are plain my MU is fair game =)